Hello ! Actually I'm testing the ripe-dbase-software (release 2.03). In near future we want to use the ripe-dbase-software to store internal data (i.e. customer data, infrastructure data ...) and to run a secondary of the ripe database at our site. We're running under Solaris 2.5 with the special perl4.036-hack (from here many thanks to Peter Haag) which is avaiable on your ftp-server. Everything is running fine, i.e - all kinds of queries - handling of new, own database objects - running with different sources in split-mode - set-up of the database. For writing database front ends which manipulate and visualisize the stored data we want to use the 'networkupdate' program to have access to the database from different workstations via LAN. But it is not working at our side, it is not possible to forward objects via STDIN to the whoisd after calling the networkupdate programm. 'whoisd -V -D' gives me the following trace: (europa is the server-machine, x11 is the client-machine) # europa: whoisd -V -D # whoisd daemon (6827) - running in debug mode # whoisd daemon (6827) - will connect to port: 43 with protocol: 6 # whoisd daemon (6827) - changing (UID,GID) from: (0,1 14 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 1) to: (500,200) # whoisd daemon (6827) - changed (UID,GID) to: (500,200 14 12 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 1) # (6832) child connection x11.NIC.DTAG.DE ( # (6832) got in parse # (6832) left parse, searchstring: # (6832) whoisd called with flags:U:Vnp2.0 # (6832) whoisd lookup: # (6832) whoisupdate(name:'x11.NIC.DTAG.DE',ip:'',log:'mb localhost') called # (6832) checking / # (6832) update from: accepted, regular: # (6832) whoisupdate accepted # (6832) exit connection [] After calling 'networkupdate - h europa' on the client-machine it terminates immediately! After accepting the whoisupdate the connection is terminated by the whoisd! I checked our ripedb-config file more than one time and I thing that everything inside is correct. Maybe I make something wrong or this effect has something to do with running under Slowaris 2.5 ... ? Or is there a tricky way to setup the possibility for networkupdates ? Is somebody able to help me ? Kind regards Markus