9 Jun
9 Jun
3:21 a.m.
In message <CAKvLzuFiy3gn7Q3JSHXbaMO58qHOUkbfX-SPZuXx_7b8qxrDOQ@mail.gmail.com> denis wrote:
It says in the documentation that you cannot split the primary key attribute value over multiple lines. To make sure that is still the case, I just tried to create this object in the test database:
Excellent. I only wish that the folks @ APNIC were as helpful. I tried suggesting to them that their record covering was, you know, sub-optimal, but as they often do, they said this isn't their problem and recommended that I go and talk to someone else about the issue, you know, if I really cared about it. If was faster just to program around the problem. Regards, rfg