Questions: Should we automatically make the suggested changes in the RIPE database? No. Or should we send mail to the technical contacts asking them to change things? Yes. We have asked the NIC accept change notices from us, so that registration of reverse servers in the database would be enough to get them into the DNS. Is this desirable? NO!! These actions would bring RIPE on the edge of interfering with the responsabilities of the authoritative persons for a given zone, be it for "forward" or reverse mapping. The best RIPE can do is to send a notification to the authority of a given zone in case of obvious *errors*, NOT if servers are missing in the DB, since there may be good reason why they are "missing". Suppose I would be in foo.XX and I would have a large network with, say, 10 internal and 2 external nameservers for my domain; if I would loose connectivity to the outside world, those 10 internal nameservers would be unreachable and it would be pointless to have nameservers all over the Internet try to query them all. Therefore I would have only, say, 2 internal and the 2 external servers listed for foo.XX in the XX zone file and in the RIPE DB and I would absolutely not appreciate it if RIPE would send me time and again a notification that there are more servers for foo.XX than actually listed in the XX zone or the DB. Piet