In message <1870001011.3703.1475803719463@mail.yahoo.com>, <ripedenis@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
-rBGi or as3333
I'm sorry, but your reply is not at all clear to me. Could you perhaps show me a complete example command line? Regards, rfg P.S. I also just now visited the following page: https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html Under "Types" I checked only "route". Then in the search box I entered only the AS number of interest to me. Then I clicked on the "search" button. The result was that I only got the following error: ERROR:115: invalid search key Search key entered is not valid for the specified object type(s) Is it actually not possible to obtain from the RIPE WHOIS data base a list of all route objects currently associated with a particular AS number?