Folks, since we have observed many inconsistencies between the RIPE database and the DNS regarding reverse mapping zones in in-addr.arpa we have developed a little checking script. The current output can be found in ftp.ripe.net:ripe/ripe-op/in-addr.check It lists all networks for which discrepancies have been detected as follows: First the RIPE database entry in short format: *in: *na: TUNET-F *de: LAN Technical University of Vienna *cy: AT *ac: Johannes Demel *tc: Johannes Demel *co: LOCAL *as: 697 *rz: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at *ch: demel@noc.tuwien.ac.at 930202 *so: RIPE Then a list of all reverse servers as listed in the database: DB servers: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at Then a list of all reverse servers found in the DNS: DNS servers: Then a diagnostic each server which has something wrong: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at: only in DB and not reverse server for! tunameb.tuwien.ac.at: only in DB and not reverse server for! Then a list of suggested actions to resolve the inconsistency: DB remove tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at Note that the recommended actions are not the only way to resolve the problem. In the example above one could also set up the name servers and register them in the DNS. The script tries the shortes path. Please go through the list and see wether any of your nets needs action. Questions: Should we automatically make the suggested changes in the RIPE database? Or should we send mail to the technical contacts asking them to change things? We have asked the NIC accept change notices from us, so that registration of reverse servers in the database would be enough to get them into the DNS. Is this desirable? Daniel By way of example here is the start of the current file: *in: *na: TUNET-F *de: LAN Technical University of Vienna *cy: AT *ac: Johannes Demel *tc: Johannes Demel *co: LOCAL *as: 697 *rz: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at *ch: demel@noc.tuwien.ac.at 930202 *so: RIPE DB servers: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at DNS servers: tunamea.tuwien.ac.at: is only in DB and is not reverse server for! tunameb.tuwien.ac.at: is only in DB and is not reverse server for! DB remove tunamea.tuwien.ac.at tunameb.tuwien.ac.at *in: *na: BERGEN-NET *de: Bergen University, Norway *cy: NO *ac: Kenneth Hostland *tc: Kenneth Hostland *co: NORDU RIPE NSF *as: 224 *gw: kth *rz: alf.uib.no eik.ii.uib.no aun.uninet.no *ch: ripe-dbm@ripe.net 920914 *so: RIPE DB servers: alf.uib.no aun.uninet.no eik.ii.uib.no DNS servers: alf.uib.no aun.uninett.no eik.ii.uib.no aun.uninet.no: is only in DB and does not exist! aun.uninett.no: is only in DNS and is OK DB add aun.uninett.no DB remove aun.uninet.no note: obiously a spelling error in the database *in: *na: HD-NET *de: University of Heidelberg *de: BelWue *cy: DE *ac: Michael Hebgen *tc: Lothar Binding *tc: Peter Merdian *co: RIPE NSF WIN *rl: HEPNET *bl: DESY *as: 553 *gw: crn *rz: sun0.URZ.Uni-Heidelberg.DE sun1.URZ.Uni-Heidelberg.DE noc.BelWue.DE ns.Germany.EU.net deins.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE *ch: rv@Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE 920530 *ch: ar@deins.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE 920601 *ch: ripe-dbm@ripe.net 920602 *so: RIPE DB servers: deins.informatik.uni-dortmund.de noc.belwue.de ns.germany.eu.net sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de sun1.urz.uni-heidelberg.de DNS servers: sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de sun1.urz.uni-heidelberg.de deins.informatik.uni-dortmund.de: is only in DB and is OK noc.belwue.de: is only in DB and is OK ns.germany.eu.net: is only in DB and is OK DNS add deins.informatik.uni-dortmund.de noc.belwue.de ns.germany.eu.net note: the DNS is missing some servers *in: *na: VU-NET *de: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam *de: Amsterdam *cy: NL *ac: Jacques Schuurman *tc: Jacques Schuurman *co: RIPE NSF SARA SURF *gw: cwi *rz: ohrid.cca.vu.nl *rz: star.cs.vu.nl *ch: dfk@cwi.nl 900802 *ch: Erik-Jan.Bos@surfnet.nl 920708 *ch: Erik-Jan.Bos@surfnet.nl 920708 *ch: ripe-dbm@ripe.net 920708 *ch: martijn@nluug.nl 921110 *so: RIPE DB servers: ohrid.cca.vu.nl star.cs.vu.nl DNS servers: hardy.nat.vu.nl ohrid.cca.vu.nl star.cs.vu.nl hardy.nat.vu.nl: is only in DNS and is OK DB add hardy.nat.vu.nl *in: *na: TORINO-IT-LAN *de: Politecnico di Torino *de: CISIP *cy: IT *ac: Silvano Gai *tc: Antonio Lioy *co: GARR *as: 137 *rz: leonardo.polito.it *rz: galileo.polito.it *rz: ercole.polito.it *rz: dns.nis.garr.it *rm: LAN's and MAN connecting University departments and *rm: research institutes located in or near Torino *rm: fully managed *ch: ip-reg@nis.garr.it 930115 *so: RIPE DB servers: dns.nis.garr.it ercole.polito.it galileo.polito.it jolly.nis.garr.it leonardo.polito.it DNS servers: dns.nis.garr.it ercole.polito.it galileo.polito.it leonardo.polito.it jolly.nis.garr.it: is only in DB and is OK DNS add jolly.nis.garr.it note: the addresses in the database are not conforming to the database format, but the script resolves them and deletes duplicate entries *in: *na: OUNET *de: University Ethernet network *de: Oulu University *de: Oulu *cy: FI *ac: Kaisu Ranta *tc: Raimo Salo *co: NORDU RIPE NSF FUNET *as: 1741 *rz: ousrvr.oulu.fi *ch: lk-kr@finou.oulu.fi 930119 *so: RIPE DB servers: ousrvr.oulu.fi DNS servers: hydra.helsinki.fi ousrvr.oulu.fi hydra.helsinki.fi: is only in DNS and is OK DB add hydra.helsinki.fi *in: *na: GENUANET *de: Universita' degli Studi di Genova *cy: IT *ac: Pier Paolo Puliafito *tc: Tiziana Podesta' *co: GARR *as: 137 *rz: sun.cisi.unige.it SUN UNIX *rz: dist.dist.unige.it SUN UNIX *rm: Multiple interconnected LANs of academic institutes *rm: located in Genoa *ch: ip-reg@nis.garr.it 930210 *so: RIPE DB servers: dist.dist.unige.it sun sun.cisi.unige.it unix DNS servers: carla.dist.unige.it dist.dist.unige.it nameserver.cnr.it carla.dist.unige.it: is only in DNS and is not responding! nameserver.cnr.it: is only in DNS and is OK sun: is only in DB and does not exist! sun.cisi.unige.it: is only in DB and is OK unix: is only in DB and does not exist! DB add nameserver.cnr.it DNS add sun.cisi.unige.it DB remove sun unix note: "interesting" syntax server data seems out of date *in: *na: PISA-NET *de: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche *de: Pisa *cy: IT *ac: Marco Sommani *tc: Vittorio Miori *co: GARR *as: 137 *rz: nameserver.cnr.it *rz: odin.cs.cornell.edu *rz: itgbox.cnuce.cnr.it *rz: ns.surfnet.nl *rz: serra.unipi.it *rm: Multiple-Lan of CNR institutes and University departments in Pisa *rm: This net belongs to the nation-wide CNRnet, coordinated *rm: thru the cnr-core working group. CNRnet is member of GARR. *ch: ip-reg@nis.garr.it 930204 *so: RIPE DB servers: itgbox.cnuce.cnr.it nameserver.cnr.it ns.surfnet.nl odin.cs.cornell.edu serra.unipi.it survey.surfnet.nl DNS servers: itgbox.cnuce.cnr.it nameserver.cnr.it ns.surfnet.nl odin.cs.cornell.edu serra.unipi.it survey.surfnet.nl: is only in DB and is OK DNS add survey.surfnet.nl *in: *na: TUENET1 *de: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven *de: Eindhoven *cy: NL *ac: Joop Schillemans *tc: Joep Brand *co: RIPE NSF SURF *ni: 1=590 *rz: tuegate.tue.nl *ch: piet@cwi.nl 910501 *so: RIPE DB servers: tuegate.tue.nl DNS servers: rc6.urc.tue.nl tuegate.tue.nl rc6.urc.tue.nl: is only in DNS and is OK DB add rc6.urc.tue.nl *in: *na: NUNET *de: Universiteit Nijmegen *de: Nijmegen *cy: NL *ac: Jos Alsters *ac: Peter van Campen *tc: Jos Alsters *tc: Peter van Campen *co: RIPE NSF SURF *ni: 1=590 *rz: wn1.sci.kun.nl *rz: wn3.sci.kun.nl *ch: piet@cwi.nl 910501 *so: RIPE DB servers: wn1.sci.kun.nl wn3.sci.kun.nl DNS servers: wn0.sci.kun.nl wn3.sci.kun.nl wn0.sci.kun.nl: is only in DNS and is OK wn1.sci.kun.nl: is only in DB and does not exist! DB add wn0.sci.kun.nl DB remove wn1.sci.kun.nl *in: *na: RUUNET *de: Universiteit Utrecht *de: Utrecht *cy: NL *ac: Dre Hopmans *tc: Dre Hopmans *co: RIPE NSF SURF *ni: 1=590 *rz: accucx.cc.ruu.nl *rz: praxis.cs.ruu.nl *ch: piet@cwi.nl 910501 *so: RIPE DB servers: accucx.cc.ruu.nl praxis.cs.ruu.nl DNS servers: accucx.cc.ruu.nl infix.cs.ruu.nl kali.cc.ruu.nl infix.cs.ruu.nl: is only in DNS and is OK kali.cc.ruu.nl: is only in DNS and is OK praxis.cs.ruu.nl: is only in DB and is not responding! DB add infix.cs.ruu.nl kali.cc.ruu.nl