Colleagues I would like to clarify a couple of points here in case anyone has doubts. I often get heavily involved in some discussions on the mailing list. I sometimes have strong views and probably come across as quite pushy. But I always present arguments to support my viewpoint. I am not one of those who make a bold headline and then disappear behind a rock, expecting you to just accept my comment. Of course I am not always right. I am happy to hear from anyone who (partially) disagrees with me or others as long as you offer some arguments to support your viewpoint. I also like to hear from people who (partially) agree with me or others. We don't get a lot of people joining discussions on this mailing list. That's one of the reasons I reply to many comments to try to keep the discussion alive. Sometimes someone makes a comment, no one responds and the conversation dies. But on the other hand, by replying to many of the comments, some people may see me as talking over you. It is a fine line to get it right. The bottom line is, if more people were involved in discussions, expressing a range of supported views, I could say less or even shut up. To make decisions it is always better to have multiple views. When it comes to decisions, if I have been heavily involved in a discussion I always step back from the final decision. In those cases William will make the decision. So just because I am a co-chair and push a particular view does not mean it is a done deal. It really would help if more people expressed opinions on these issues we try to develop... cheers denis co-chair DB-WG