bug fix for 2.00 release

Dear all, I found this morning a bug that could case the software not to remove the lockfile when doing a database cleanup when indexing files with a full path name. Please substitute your 'donetdbm.pl' file by the included one or pick up a new distribution from: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/software/ripe-dbase-2.0.1.tar.gz Kind regards, David K. -------- # $RCSfile: donetdbm.pl,v $ # $Revision: 2.1 $ # $Author: david $ # $Date: 1996/08/10 15:53:32 $ require "defines.pl"; require "dbopen.pl"; require "dbclose.pl"; require "enread.pl"; require "enwrite.pl"; require "addkey.pl"; require "enkeys.pl"; require "enukey.pl"; # # exit cleanly when asked to ... sub quitdonetdbm { unlink(@DONETDBMFILES); print "\n$PROGRAMNAME terminated by signal.\n"; exit; } sub flushkeys { local(*database, *normalkeys)=@_; # print STDERR "do flush to disk for normal keys (happens every $MAXLISTLENGTH keys) ..."; local($oldoffsets,$key,$value,$length); # # old overflow files local(@toobig)=(); # # new overflow files local(@toobignewkeys)=(); local(@toobignewvalues)=(); # # normal keys local(@addkeys)=(); local(@addvalues)=(); while (($key,$value)=each(%normalkeys)) { $length=length($key); $key=~ s/^.{$OVERFLOWSIZE-1,$OVERFLOWSIZE-1}.*$/$1/ if ($length>=$OVERFLOWSIZE); # # check if the key already existed, that makes life # more complicated if (($oldoffsets=$database{$key})) { # # add to overflow file if ($oldoffsets=~ s/^$OVERFLOWPREFIXREGULAR//o) { push(@toobig, $oldoffsets, $value); next; } $value=join("\,", $oldoffsets, $value); } # # do a value addition $length+=length($value); if ($length>=$OVERFLOWSIZE) { push(@toobignewkeys, $key); push(@toobignewvalues, $value); } else { push(@addkeys, $key); push(@addvalues, $value); } } # # clean up the memory %normalkeys=(); # # add data to old overflow files local($dbfile)=$database[1].$OVERFLOWEXTENSION; if (@toobig) { while (@toobig) { if (open(OVERFLOWADD, ">>".$dbfile.shift(@toobig))) { print OVERFLOWADD "\,", shift(@toobig); close(OVERFLOWADD); } else { &fatalerror("in donetdbm flushkeys: cannot open for addition $dbfile.$_ value: ".shift(@toobig)." code: $!"); } } } # # create new overflow files if (@toobignewkeys) { local($filenumber)=$database{$OVERFLOWKEY}; local(@overflowvalues)=(++$filenumber .. ($filenumber+scalar(@toobignewkeys)-1)); push(@addkeys, $OVERFLOWKEY); push(@addvalues, $overflowvalues[$#overflowvalues]); #print STDERR join(" ", @toobignewkeys), "\n"; #print STDERR join(" ", @toobignewvalues), "\n"; #print STDERR join(" ", @overflowvalues), "\n"; foreach (@overflowvalues) { if (open(OVERFLOWNEW, ">".$dbfile.$_)) { print OVERFLOWNEW shift(@toobignewvalues); close(OVERFLOWNEW); } else { &fatalerror("in donetdbm flushkeys: cannot open for creation $dbfile.$_ value: ".shift(@toobignewvalues)." code: $!"); } } push(@addkeys, @toobignewkeys); push(@addvalues, (@overflowvalues=grep($_=$OVERFLOWPREFIX.$_, @overflowvalues))); } # # add all keys to the physical database in one single command !!! @database{@addkeys}=@addvalues; # print STDERR " done\n"; return 0; } sub flushclkeys { local($basename, $i, *list, *notexistingprefixes)=@_; #print STDERR "do flush to disk prefix \/$i (happens every $MAXSTRINGCOMPONENTS prefixes) ..."; local($file)=$basename.$i; push(@DONETDBMFILES, $file) if (grep($_ ne $file, @DONETDBMFILES)==scalar(@DONETDBMFILES)); open(FLUSHCLKEYS, ">>".$file); print FLUSHCLKEYS $list[$i]; close(FLUSHCLKEYS); #print STDERR " done\n"; $list[$i]=""; $notexistingprefixes[$i]=0; return 0; } sub donetdbm { local($filename, $todir, $options)=@_; local($type,$uniquekey,$offset,$prefix); local($NEWDIR, $newfilename); local($classless)=$options & $CLASSLESSOPTION; local($cleaning)=$options & $CLEANOPTION; local(%entry); local($objseen) = 0; local($processed)=0; local(@clalist)=(); local(@classlesslist)=(); local(@nrofentries)=(); local(%normalkeys)=(); local(@notexistingprefixes)=(1) x 129; local(@keys,@otherkeys,@pointsto,@otherpointsto,@classless); local($basename); local($newdb)='newdb'; local(%newdb,@newdb); local(%nothing)=(); local($lockfile); # print STDERR "donetdbm - file: $filename classless: $classless cleaning: $cleaning\n"; if ($cleaning) { ($NEWDIR, $newfilename)= $filename=~ /$SPLITFILENAME/o; $lockfile=$CLEANLOCK.$newfilename; # We will create a temporary directory to build the new database and # indexes. $NEWDIR.=$newfilename."-newindex.".$$; $newfilename=$NEWDIR."\/".$newfilename; &fatalerror("Temporary directory \"$NEWDIR\" already exists!") if (-d $NEWDIR); if (!mkdir($NEWDIR, 0750)) { &fatalerror("Failed to create temporary directory ($!): $NEWDIR"); } &dbopen(*newdb, *nothing, 1, $newfilename ) || &fatalerror("Cannot open $newfilename"); seek($newdb,0,2); } else { &delormoveindices($filename, "", $classless); } local(%dummyobject)=(); local($db)='db'; local(%db,@db); &dbopen(*db,*dummyobject,1,$filename) || &fatalerror("$0: error opening database: $filename"); seek($db,0,0); if ($cleaning) { &fatalerror("lockfile: $lockfile already exists") if (-e $lockfile); push(@DONETDBMFILES, $lockfile); open(LOCKFILE, ">".$lockfile) || &fatalerror("cannot create $lockfile"); print LOCKFILE "$$\n"; close(LOCKFILE); } if ($classless) { local($prefixfilename); if ($filename=~ /^.*\/([^\s\/]+)\s*$/) { $prefixfilename=$2; } else { $prefixfilename=$filename; } $basename=$TMPDIR."/prefixdata.".$$.".".$prefixfilename; # # remove any possible left over files... local(@files)=(); for $i (0..128) { push(@files, $basename.$i) if (-f $basename.$i); } unlink(@files) if (@files); } # # exit clean on a signal (except for the cleaning files, I am sorry # no time for the real fancy stuff) $SIG{'INT'}='quitdonetdbm'; $SIG{'KILL'}='quitdonetdbm'; $SIG{'TERM'}='quitdonetdbm'; @OPENNETDBMFILES=(); # # start gathering the keys... while ($type=&enread($db, *entry, -1)) { next if (!$OBJATSQ{$type}); # print STDERR "type: $type\n"; # $objseen++; # if ($objseen % 400 == 0) { # print STDERR "donetdbm - indexed $objseen\n"; # } # print STDERR "entry ($type): ", $entry{$type}, "\n"; # print STDERR "\noffset: ", $entry{"offset"}; # print STDERR "\nuniquekey: $uniquekey\n"; if ($cleaning) { $offset=&enwrite($newdb,*entry); } else { $offset=$entry{"offset"}; } &enkeys(*entry, $OBJKEYS{$type}, *keys, *otherkeys, *pointsto, *otherpointsto, *classless, $classless); $processed+=grep((($normalkeys{$_}) && ($normalkeys{$_}=join("\,", $normalkeys{$_}, $offset))) || ($normalkeys{$_}=$offset), ($uniquekey=&enukey(*entry, $type)), @keys, @otherkeys, @pointsto, @otherpointsto); if ($cleaning) { $processed=&flushkeys(*newdb, *normalkeys) if ($processed>$MAXLISTLENGTH); } else { $processed=&flushkeys(*db, *normalkeys) if ($processed>$MAXLISTLENGTH); } if ($classless) { foreach (@classless) { /^(.+)\/(\d+)$/; $classlesslist[$2]=join("", $classlesslist[$2], $1, "\%", $uniquekey, "\%"); $nrofentries[$2]=&flushclkeys($basename,$2,*classlesslist,*notexistingprefixes) if (++$nrofentries[$2]>$MAXSTRINGCOMPONENTS); } } } # # note: we do the wait for a child flush *after* the classless indexing # it might save us some extra time! if ($cleaning) { &flushkeys(*newdb, *normalkeys); } else { &flushkeys(*db, *normalkeys); } # # now we start with the classless indices if ($classless) { undef %normalkeys; print STDERR "docldbm - start inserting prefixes\n" if $opt_V; if ($cleaning) { &dbclopen(*dummyobject,1,$newfilename); } else { &delormoveindices($filename.$CLASSLESSEXT, "", $classless); &dbclopen(*dummyobject,1,$filename); } $objseen = 0; local($entry); local($p,$i,$cla,$newcla); # # we need to read entries separated by '%' characters # # trickey: we don't need to reset it for: # # flushclkeys, getvalues, addkey since # they are not affected. local($/)="\%"; for $i (1..128) { print STDERR "try $basename$i\n" if ($opt_V); # # flush first the remaining prefixes... &flushclkeys($basename, $i, *classlesslist, *notexistingprefixes) if ($nrofentries[$i]); next if ($notexistingprefixes[$i]); undef $nrofentries[$i]; if (open(FLUSHCLKEYS, "<".$basename.$i)) { print STDERR "opened $basename$i\n" if ($opt_V); $entry=1; while ($entry) { print STDERR "read from $basename$i\n" if ($opt_V); $processed=0; undef @clalist; while (($processed<$MAXLISTLENGTH) && ($entry=<FLUSHCLKEYS>)) { $key=<FLUSHCLKEYS>; chop($entry); chop($key); push(@clalist,$entry,$key); $processed++; } while ($prefix=shift(@clalist)) { # print STDERR $prefix, "\n"; if (&addkey(*mspnxl, ($cla=join("\/", $prefix, $i)), shift(@clalist))) { for ($p=$i-1; ($p>0) && (($notexistingprefixes[$p]) || (!defined($mspnxl{($newcla=join("\/", &iprightzeromask($prefix,$p), $p))}))); $p--) {}; # print STDERR $p, " ",$i, " ", $newcla, "\n"; &addkey(*mspnxl, $p>0?$newcla:"0\/0", $cla); } } } close(FLUSHCLKEYS); push(@DONETDBMFILES, $basename.$i); } else { &fatalerror("Couldn\'t open prefix file: $basename$i ($!)"); } } unlink(@DONETDBMFILES) if (@DONETDBMFILES); # # make the not existing prefixes array $mspnxl{$NOTEXISTINGPREFIXESKEY}=join(" ", @notexistingprefixes); &dbclclose(); } # # we might still have a child process for the normal keys... # wait; # print STDERR "closing\n"; if ($todir) { ($NEWDIR, $newfilename)= $filename=~ /$SPLITFILENAME/o; $lockfile=$CLEANLOCK.$newfilename; &fatalerror("lockfile: $lockfile already exists") if (-e $lockfile); # # we don't accept termination of the program from here @DONETDBMFILES=(); $SIG{'INT'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'KILL'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'TERM'}='IGNORE'; open(LOCKFILE, ">".$lockfile) || &fatalerror("cannot create $lockfile"); print LOCKFILE "$$\n"; close(LOCKFILE); $todir.="\/" if ($todir!~ /\/\s*$/); &dbclose(*db); &delormoveindices($filename.$CLASSLESSEXT, $todir.$newfilename.$CLASSLESSEXT, $classless) if ($classless); &delormoveindices($filename, $todir.$newfilename, 0); unlink($lockfile); } elsif ($cleaning) { &dbclose(*newdb); &dbclose(*db); # # we don't accept termination of the program from here @DONETDBMFILES=(); $SIG{'INT'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'KILL'}='IGNORE'; $SIG{'TERM'}='IGNORE'; &delormoveindices($newfilename.$CLASSLESSEXT, $filename.$CLASSLESSEXT, $classless) if ($classless); &delormoveindices($newfilename, $filename, 0); unlink($lockfile); warn "could\'t remove directory ($NEWDIR) errorcode: $!\n" if (!rmdir($NEWDIR)); } else { # print STDERR "close db\n"; &dbclose(*db); # print STDERR "done db\n"; } # print STDERR "done -$/- db\n"; return; #print STDERR "done db\n"; } 1; --------
participants (1)
RIPE Database Manager