[news] Phase 1 Update: Abuse Contact Management in the RIPE Database

[Apologies for duplicate emails] Dear colleagues, Phase 1 of ripe-563 "Abuse Contact Management in the RIPE Database" is now being implemented, as announced on 19 March 2013. According to ripe-563, all resources allocated or assigned by the RIPE NCC will need to have an abuse contact email address included in their RIPE Database registration. During the first six months of implementation (phase 1), all Local Internet Registries (LIRs) must add an abuse contact attribute ("abuse-c:") to their LIR's ORGANISATION object to provide abuse contact information for all of the allocated address space under their LIR. Since the initial announcement two weeks ago, we are pleased to report that 24.8% of the RIPE NCC's allocated IPv4 address space is already covered with an abuse contact. More statistics will be sent to the RIPE Anti-Abuse Working Group mailing list. In phase 1, we will send notifications to LIRs that haven't added abuse contact information to their LIR's ORGANISATION object. If this information is not added by the LIR by the end of phase 1, we will automatically add the LIR's contact email address (which is already publicly listed at: <https://www.ripe.net/membership/indices/>) as their abuse contact. LIRs can always change this information as needed. More information on the implementation plan, including phase 2 (covering PI space and ASNs) is available on RIPE Labs at: <https://labs.ripe.net/Members/kranjbar/implementation-details-of-policy-2011-06> ------------------------------- How to add "abuse-c" ------------------------------- An explanation of how to add "abuse-c:" to an LIR's ORGANISATION object as well as how to fine-tune abuse contact information for sub-allocations and assignments is outlined here: <https://labs.ripe.net/Members/denis/creating-and-finding-abuse-contacts-in-the-ripe-database> Please kindly consider adding abuse contact information as soon as possible to the ORGANISATION object(s) you control or maintain in the RIPE Database. Kind Regards, Kaveh Ranjbar, RIPE NCC Database Group Manager
participants (1)
Kaveh Ranjbar