New/Revised RIPE Document Announcement -------------------------------------- A revised/new document is available from the RIPE document store: "New Values of the "status:" Attribute for inet6num Objects". Short content description ------------------------- This document describes the new values of the "status:" attribute for inet6num objects and their impact on database operation. Accessing the RIPE document store --------------------------------- You can access the RIPE documents in HTML format via WWW. "New Values of the "status:" Attribute for inet6num Objects" is available from the WWW at the following URL: http://www.ripe.net/docs/new-value-status.html The RIPE document store is also available via anonymous FTP to ftp.ripe.net, in the directory ripe/docs. The URLs for the new documents on the FTP-server are: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-243.ps PostScript version ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-243.txt plain text version Kind Regards, Jeroen Bet Webmaster RIPE NCC
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RIPE NCC Document Announcement Service