Re: Problems with putting a bl (futur as) in a block (Gilles Farrache) writes: * * If I have (or you or anyone else) to ask a NIC (Italien or not) to modify a * * block for routing problems it is completly illogical. In fact we decide to * put a bl flag manage by the routing operator in order to be able not to * depend on national NICS, so if to split a block for routing problems we have * * to ask the national NIC, what has been put in place is completly useless. Gilles, The flags are controlled by guardians, but should only be put in a network number on request of one of the contact persons of a network (or the organisation that represents them). This same person or organisation controls the data in the database. If they decide to put a block in the database, they make clear that they want the block treated as one unit. If they then want to have some of these nets routed seperately or have different information for these nets, THEY are responsible for splitting the block, not you. They have the control over their data in the database, and can change it themselves. The fact that a national NIC (like GARR NIS) manages the data, does not mean that they control the data. The responsible for a network can still change the data themselves, although the GARR NIS would like to get these changes as well to keep their own database in sync with the RIPE database. It is not that ONLY the GARR NIS (or any other NIC, just using GARR NIS as an example) can change the data, by no means. -Marten
participants (1)
Marten Terpstra