Please supply me with an agenda for your working group at the forthcoming RIPE meeting.
Apologies for the delay. The following is a draft agenda for the DB-WG meeting in Stockholm next week. Wilfried. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposed Agenda for the Database Working Group Meeting RIPE-30, May 1998, Stockholm Draft, May 12, 1998 A. Administrative stuff (Wilfried Woeber, chair, ~5min) - appointment of scribe - agenda bashing B. General DB Update (RIPE NCC, ~15min) C. DB In/Consistency efforts (RIPE NCC, ~15min) - tools for the users ? D. DB SW re-implementation (RIPE NCC, ~15min + discussion) E. RPSL trans phase II: Merit's experience (~20min) F. IRRd presentation (Jake Khuoan/Craig Labovit, Merit) G. Impact of rps-dist and rps-auth drafts on DB developments H. "role:" objects for "admin-c:"s revisited (Erik-Jan Bos, SURFnet) - proposal to allow role objects being ref.d in admin-c:s Y. Input from other WGs - t.b.d. Z. AOB WW, 12-MAY-1998 23:57:48
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet