Re: [db-wg] db-wg Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1

Hello again. I spoke too soon. I still get errors when I try to make NIC-handles looking like this: ALE1574-ADMIN AK1576-ADM Etc. That shouldn't happen, right? Thanks again. - Øystein -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: db-wg [] På vegne av Sendt: søndag 1. mai 2016 12.00 Til: Emne: db-wg Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1 Send db-wg mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of db-wg digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Re: Is it possible to choose your own NIC Handle when creating ROLE objects? (Anand Buddhdev) 2. Re: Is it possible to choose your own NIC Handle when creating ROLE objects? (denis) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 16:58:01 +0200 From: Anand Buddhdev <> To: "''" <> Subject: Re: [db-wg] Is it possible to choose your own NIC Handle when creating ROLE objects? Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 On 30/04/16 14:02, ?ystein G?sdal wrote: Hi ?ystein,
Hello, and thank you for your answer. But I think I need to be spoonfed about this?
Denis has already provided a good answe. But let me help more with an example.
So according to the rules, the NIC-handle can be something like this:
No, you may not have 2 dashes in the NIC handle. You can only have a NIC handle of the form: XXX or XXX-YYY The first part (XXX) has to start with 2-4 letters, and optionally up to 6 digits. The -YYY part is optional, but if present, must be a dash, followed by up to 9 letters. Here are some valid examples: ALE ALE-RIPE ALE1234 AL345-RIPE ALE90-KOMMUNE But the following are NOT allowed: ALE-ADMIN-C AL023 ALESUND Regards, Anand ------------------------------ Message: 2 Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 23:25:59 +0200 From: denis <> To: Anand Buddhdev <>, "''" <> Subject: Re: [db-wg] Is it possible to choose your own NIC Handle when creating ROLE objects? Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Hi Anand, ?ystein On 30/04/2016 16:58, Anand Buddhdev wrote:
On 30/04/16 14:02, ?ystein G?sdal wrote:
Hi ?ystein,
Hello, and thank you for your answer. But I think I need to be spoonfed about this?
Denis has already provided a good answe. But let me help more with an example.
So according to the rules, the NIC-handle can be something like this:
No, you may not have 2 dashes in the NIC handle. You can only have a NIC handle of the form:
The first part (XXX) has to start with 2-4 letters, and optionally up to 6 digits. The -YYY part is optional, but if present, must be a dash, followed by up to 9 letters. Here are some valid examples:
Almost :) But after the '-' you can only use a source name, like 'RIPE, 'APNIC', etc. so ALE90-KOMMUNE is not allowed cheers denis
But the following are NOT allowed:
Regards, Anand
End of db-wg Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1 ************************************

On 02/05/16 19:01, Øystein Gåsdal wrote: Hi Øystein,
I spoke too soon. I still get errors when I try to make NIC-handles looking like this:
ALE1574-ADMIN AK1576-ADM Etc.
My apologies for giving you incorrect advice about the source. The source, if specified, cannot be any random string. It needs to be an actual source, such as "RIPE". This isn't clear in the documentation about nic handles. So you'll have to use -RIPE for the source (or nothing). Regards, Anand

On 2 May 2016, at 19:13, Anand Buddhdev <> wrote:
On 02/05/16 19:01, Øystein Gåsdal wrote:
Hi Øystein,
I spoke too soon. I still get errors when I try to make NIC-handles looking like this:
ALE1574-ADMIN AK1576-ADM Etc.
My apologies for giving you incorrect advice about the source. The source, if specified, cannot be any random string. It needs to be an actual source, such as "RIPE". This isn't clear in the documentation about nic handles.
So you'll have to use -RIPE for the source (or nothing).
Hi Anand, Øystein, here is the link to the documentation which describes the nic-hdl attribute: The nic-hdl suffix can be an actual source, such as "RIPE", but any 2 letter "officially assigned" ISO3166 country code, or "EU" (exceptionally reserved) is also allowed. Hope this helps. Regards Ed Shryane RIPE NCC

Ah, now I get it. Thank you. - Ø -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: Anand Buddhdev [] Sendt: mandag 2. mai 2016 19.13 Til: Øystein Gåsdal <>; Emne: Re: [db-wg] db-wg Digest, Vol 57, Issue 1 On 02/05/16 19:01, Øystein Gåsdal wrote: Hi Øystein,
I spoke too soon. I still get errors when I try to make NIC-handles looking like this:
ALE1574-ADMIN AK1576-ADM Etc.
My apologies for giving you incorrect advice about the source. The source, if specified, cannot be any random string. It needs to be an actual source, such as "RIPE". This isn't clear in the documentation about nic handles. So you'll have to use -RIPE for the source (or nothing). Regards, Anand
participants (3)
Anand Buddhdev
Edward Shryane
Øystein Gåsdal