Novel NetMail users

Dear Colleagues, In the process of testing mail clients for s/mime compatibility I am trying to install Novell NetMail on our linux test box running RedHat 8.0. I have no previous knowledge at all about this product. I have tried several times to install it and can never get past a window asking for the Administrator user name and password. I have included the log of what I did below. Any help from users of this mail client would be very much appreciated. Regards Denis Walker RIPE NCC Software Engineering Department. [root@linux setup]# ./nds-install %% Welcome to the installation of Novell eDirectory 8.7.0 %% The Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) for Linux End User License Agreement will now be displayed. %% Please read the agreement carefully before accepting the terms. %% Press ENTER to continue. %% Do you accept the terms of the Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) license agreement '[y/n/q] ? 'y %% List of Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) components available to install %% 1 Novell eDirectory Server %% 2 Novell eDirectory Administration Utilities %% 3 Management Console for Novell eDirectory (ConsoleOne) %% Select the components you wish to install [?, q] : 1,2,3 %% Enter the path to License File (.nfk): /var %% License file Copied. %% Adding packages... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSmasv ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSbase ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NLDAPsdk ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NLDAPbase ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDScommon ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkis ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkia ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkit ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsas ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:ntls ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSserv ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSrepair ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSimon ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsnmp ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsubag ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLnmas ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLembox ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLlmgnt ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLstlog ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLxis ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLice ########################################### [100%] Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSdxevnt ########################################### [100%] %% Installing ConsoleOne.... The following is a list of languages that are available to install. 1 English 2 French 3 All Select the languages you wish to install [?,q]: 1 The following are all the available snapins you can choose to install 0 NONE 1 ICE Snapin 2 Index Manager Snapin 3 LDAP Snapin 4 SLP Snapin 5 WAN Manager Snapin 6 PKI Snapin 7 Filtered Replica Snapin 8 All Select the snapin(s) you wish to install [?,q]: 8 Do you wish to install Java Runtime Environment [y,n,q] ? y OpenSLP rpm " openslp-1.0.11-0.fdr.6.rh80 " is already installed. NDSslp will not be installed. %% Adding package IBMJava2-JRE ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:IBMJava2-JRE ########################################### [100%] %% NDSbase package is already installed. %% NDScommon package is already installed. %% NLDAPsdk package is already installed. %% NLDAPbase package is already installed. %% NOVLxis package is already installed. %% NOVLlmgnt package is already installed. %% NOVLice package is already installed. %% NOVLsas package is already installed. %% NOVLpkia package is already installed. %% NOVLpkis package is already installed. %% Adding package NOVLc1 ... error: Failed dependencies: NDSslp is needed by NOVLc1-1.3.4-1 %% ERROR: Failed to add NOVLc1 (NOVLc1) package. %% Installation of packages failed, not all packages were installed. ucd-snmp package is not installed on your system. Please ensure that you install this package before using any SNMP related features of Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) . Please refer to the admin_guide.pdf for more details. %% Novell eDirectory Server packages successfully installed. %% Novell eDirectory Administration Utilities packages successfully installed. %% Use "ndsconfig" to configure Novell eDirectory Server. %% Please update following environment variables to use LDAP tools from Novell - PATH=/usr/ldaptools/bin:$PATH MANPATH=/usr/ldaptools/man:$MANPATH %% Please go through ../readme.txt carefully before using the product. [root@linux setup]# [root@linux setup]# rpm -i /home/test-receiver/novel/Linux/ConsoleOne/NDSslp-8. 7.0-1.i386.rpm Starting NDS SLP services... Done [root@linux setup]# ./nds-install %% Welcome to the installation of Novell eDirectory 8.7.0 %% The Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) for Linux End User License Agreement will now be displayed. %% Please read the agreement carefully before accepting the terms. %% Press ENTER to continue. %% Do you accept the terms of the Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) license agreement '[y/n/q] ? 'y %% List of Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) components available to install %% 1 Novell eDirectory Server %% 2 Novell eDirectory Administration Utilities %% 3 Management Console for Novell eDirectory (ConsoleOne) %% Select the components you wish to install [?, q] : 1,2,3 %% Enter the path to License File (.nfk): /var %% License file Copied. %% Adding packages... NDSmasv is already installed NDSbase is already installed NLDAPsdk is already installed NLDAPbase is already installed NDScommon is already installed NOVLpkis is already installed NOVLpkia is already installed NOVLpkit is already installed NOVLsas is already installed ntls is already installed NDSserv is already installed NDSrepair is already installed NDSimon is already installed NOVLsnmp is already installed NOVLsubag is already installed NOVLnmas is already installed NOVLembox is already installed NOVLlmgnt is already installed NOVLstlog is already installed NOVLxis is already installed NOVLice is already installed NDSdxevnt is already installed %% Installing ConsoleOne.... The following is a list of languages that are available to install. 1 English 2 French 3 All Select the languages you wish to install [?,q]: 1 The following are all the available snapins you can choose to install 0 NONE 1 ICE Snapin 2 Index Manager Snapin 3 LDAP Snapin 4 SLP Snapin 5 WAN Manager Snapin 6 PKI Snapin 7 Filtered Replica Snapin 8 All Select the snapin(s) you wish to install [?,q]: 8 OpenSLP rpm " openslp-1.0.11-0.fdr.6.rh80 " is already installed. NDSslp will not be installed. %% NDSbase package is already installed. %% NDScommon package is already installed. %% NLDAPsdk package is already installed. %% NLDAPbase package is already installed. %% NOVLxis package is already installed. %% NOVLlmgnt package is already installed. %% NOVLice package is already installed. %% NOVLsas package is already installed. %% NOVLpkia package is already installed. %% NOVLpkis package is already installed. %% Adding package NOVLc1 ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLc1 ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSsice ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsice ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSsimgr ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsimgr ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSsldap ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsldap ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSsslp ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsslp ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSswan ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSswan ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSspki ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSspki ########################################### [100%] %% Adding package NDSsfrep ... Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsfrep ########################################### [100%] %% ConsoleOne Successfully Installed. %% Execute /usr/ConsoleOne/bin/ConsoleOne to run ConsoleOne %% Snapins Successfully Installed. ucd-snmp package is not installed on your system. Please ensure that you install this package before using any SNMP related features of Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) . Please refer to the admin_guide.pdf for more details. %% Novell eDirectory Server packages successfully installed. %% Novell eDirectory Administration Utilities packages successfully installed. %% Use "ndsconfig" to configure Novell eDirectory Server. %% Please update following environment variables to use LDAP tools from Novell - PATH=/usr/ldaptools/bin:$PATH MANPATH=/usr/ldaptools/man:$MANPATH %% Please go through ../readme.txt carefully before using the product. [root@linux setup]# ndsconfig new -t DW_TREE -o 80 -O 443 -a admin.DW Enter the password for admin.DW: Re-enter the password for admin.DW: Enter server context[org]:dw Starting the service 'ndsd'... Done. Configuring eDirectory with following parameters Admin name = admin.DW Tree name = DW_TREE Server Context = dw dibdir path = /var/nds/dib Searching for Duplicate Tree Name in the network. Please wait... Installing Novell eDirectory Server ... Novell eDirectory Server successfully installed on this system. Extending schema... For more details view schema extension logfile: /var/nds/schema.log Schema extended successfully. Configuring SAS service ... Successfully configured SAS service Nov 10 16:56:22 Could not set the preferred server LINUX Configuring LDAP Server with default SSL CertificateDNS certificate Done Restarting ndsd to load the tree key Stopping the service 'ndsd'... Done. Starting the service 'ndsd'... Done. [root@linux setup]# ps -ef | grep ndsd root 27255 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27257 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27258 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27259 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27260 1 9 16:53 ? 00:00:30 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27261 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27262 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27263 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27264 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27265 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27266 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27267 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27268 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27269 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27270 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27272 1 10 16:53 ? 00:00:32 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27273 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27275 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27277 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27278 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27279 1 0 16:53 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27314 1 0 16:54 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27315 1 0 16:54 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ndsd root 27430 7667 0 16:58 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ndsd [root@linux novel]# ./pinstall.lin To accept this license agreement, please enter 'Y': y Pervasive not found. Installing it now! Pervasive SQL server 2000 installed. Now installing NetMail 3.1. Please wait while nimsext loads Nov 10 17:04:39 Could not set the preferred server LINUX At this point it asks me to: ************************************************************** Login as the administrator Administrator name: Password: ************************************************************** I enter the user name admin.DW and password that I thought I had set up with the ndsconfig and I get ************************************************************** Login failed, try again? -Yes No ************************************************************** I do not have any other user name and password for an administrator. I tried entering the root password for the linux system and that did not work either. If I select No then it goes into a loop as below and I have to kill it. Assigning Pervasive rights Your installation is now complete. Thank you for using NetMail 3.1! The NetMail team. Starting NetMail Starting NetMail: [root@linux novel]# Nov 10 17:12:56 Could not set the preferred server LINUX DDB: Logged in with 'Public' identity. Functionality may be limited. (This message is OK if the schema has not been extended yet) [root@linux novel]# No agents configured Module rBåÿ¿sZBrB¬åÿ¿Äq(@Pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ died. Restarting. Starting: rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ Load Error: No such file or directory Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ did not load Module rbåÿ¿szbrb¬åÿ¿Äq(@pæÿ¿ýÿÿÌåÿ¿"q'@ýÿÿÜåÿ¿oq'@lÞ @ýÿÿ æÿ¿oq'@lÞ [test-receiver@linux init.d]$ ps -ef | grep ims root 27799 1 0 17:13 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/nims/bin/ims kill -9 27799
participants (1)
Denis Walker