draft agenda (v4), for DB-WG meeting, RIPE 37, Amsterdam

Dear WG list members, fellow chair persons, "meeting"! Attached please find the 4th draft, proposed agenda for the DB-WG Meeting. This draft is the result of our attempts to resolve the WG schedule collisions. The proposal is to rearrange items, to run an extended 1st part (in _parallel_ with Routing), an then to continue with a _joint_ Routing and DB-WG session (after a probably belated coffee-break) to deal with items closely related to both camps. My apologies for this mess, but I guess this is the best thing that we could do - given the constraints that were imposed on us. Still, comments, suggestions and additions are welcome. Wilfried. ______________________________________________________________________ Proposed Agenda for the Database Working Group Meeting RIPE-37, Sept. 2000, Amsterdam, NL 4. Draft Thursday, Sept 14, 2000 starting at 09:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Part I: DB-WG Meeting PI-A. Administrative stuff (WW, chair) . volunteering a scribe . list of participants . agenda bashing . minutes distributed PI-B. Actions Items . PI.C. RIPE DB, operations update (RIPE NCC) 20min PI.D. IRRd: experiences, registration software weaknesses (G.Winters, MERIT) 20min PI.E. Activity Plan proposal(s) for next year (N.N.) . summary . next steps (requirements?) PI.F. Recommendation on the use of auth. methods in the DB (WW) 10min . mechanisms documented on NCC web pages . recommendation from the community . operational impact PI.G. Globally unique handles for person:/role: ? (R. Bush) 10min? . is there a need for globally unique handles? . what could they look like? . how to obtain and use such a handle, and for what? PI.H. IRT-Pointer for DB Objetcs (WW) 10min . consensus to go ahead? . which Objetcs? PI.Y. Input from other WGs - CENTR Tech: . protect vulnerable TLD objects? . remove "bogus" TLD objects? . "best before" on person (& role) objects? PI.Z. AOB: Part II: Joint Session with Routing PII.A. New Database implementation (RIPE NCC) PII.B: RE-Implementation/Migration TF . Test Reports/Feedback . Deployment Plan . Next steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WW, 12-SEP-2000 19:56:46 _________________________________:_____________________________________ Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Woeber@CC.UniVie.ac.at UniVie Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : RIPE-DB: WW144, PGP keyID 0xF0ACB369 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet