Re: Privacy, Broadband, & the Database

The name and address info in the RIPE database needs to contain the person (or organisation) responsible for a certain amount of IP space, in my opinion.
I agreee, and the important word here is "responsible".
So, if an ISP wants to be responsible for the IP space it hands out to customers, then the ISP should be free to fill in their own name and address.
Doing that means that an assignment (*to the customer*, in the traditional sense) has not been performed.
This gives ISPs the freedom to fill the RIPE db with names and addresses of customers (that saves them the hassle of dealing with for example abuse coming from that site), or putting their own name in it (meaning they have to respond actively to for example abuse reports, which is the ISP's job anyway).
This is very similar to my reasoning regarding the usefulness of performing an assignment for a (small) site which does not fully (independently and in a responsible way) manage their address space. Wilfried.
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet