RIPE 72 DB-WG agenda V2

Dear DB-WG Members This is the 2nd draft of an agenda for the DB-WG Meeting at RIPE72 at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen, Denmark. The DB-WG Meeting is scheduled as usual for Thursday, May 26th, starting at 14:00 local time, after the lunch break. The length of our timeslot is 90 minutes. For the overall RIPE 72 meeting plan please refer to its most up-to-date version at Please feel free to comment agenda items or propose additional topics to be discussed both on the mailing list or direct to the WG Chairs at Looking forward to see you all in Copenhagen. All the best, Job, Nigel & Piotr ________________________________________________________________________ A. Administrative Matters [~10 min] . Welcome . select scribe (thanks to Nigel for volunteering again!) . finalise agenda . approval of minutes from previous WG meeting(s) . review of action list (Nigel Titley) B. RIPE DB development process: Numbered Work Items (Job Snijders) [~5 min] C. Follow-up from GAC Public Safety Working Group in ICANN (Hans Petter Holen) [~10 min] D. DB Operational Update New and revised DB-Software functionality (proposed, test, deployment) Recent DB issues (Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~15 min] . setting abuse-c for remaining organisation with resources allocated or assigned by the RIPE NCC . cleaning-up Organisation Names in "descr:" . ripe objects as single text field . restrict usage of RIPE-NCC-RPSL-MNT . increase daily db dump frequency . clean-up of "abuse-mailbox:" in certain ORGANISATION objects, following policy 2011-06 . locking unmaintained PERSON and ROLE objects in the RIPE Database . other aspects E. Afrinic IRR homing project update (Tim Bruijnzeels, RIPE NCC) [~5 min] F. Recent work on the UI improvements + Phasing out the LIR Portal object editors (Alex Band, RIPE NCC) [~20 min] G. Follow-up from AA-WG: 2016-01 (Piotr Strzyżewski) [~5 min] H. NWI-1: staying on top of abuse contact changes (Piotr Strzyżewski) [~5 min] I. ROUTE objects for non RIPE resources (Job Snijders) [~15 min] Y. Input from other Working Groups and/or Task Forces Z. AOB -- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail:
participants (1)
Piotr Strzyzewski