RIPE 66 Draft minutes

Dear WG For your delight and delectation, please find the draft minutes for the DB-WG meeting at RIPE 66 are attached Comments and corrections to me please Nigel

Hi, I notice this item in the minutes:
Route object cleanup: proposal to change auth requirements for route object from IP address holder and ASN holder to only IP address holder. Concern was expressed that this effectively gives permission for the address holder to write to the AS owners routers. It was felt that this was a dangerous precedent. [AP66.2] RIPE NCC Raise this proposal on the DB-WG mailing list for discussion
Unfortunately I was in the Address Policy WG this morning, not in DB, and wasn't aware this was going to be discussed. This is a topic that comes up periodically, as whilst the authentication rules for route object creation have a reason, they are at times arcane and at time the inability to find the right contact in another ASN can lead to delays in being able to route a prefix. On Thursday's Routing WG session, George Michaelson of APNIC will make a very strongly related suggestion: <> I'm happy to see discussion of this on the DB WG, but you're also more than welcome to join in the routing WG session and discuss this on the routing list too. All the best, Rob

Hi Rob, thanks for this invitation! I was about to approach you under the headline of AoB to make the Routing-WG aware of the NCC'S DB group idea to drop the ASN-related auth: requirement. So, whatever fits the agenda or the flow of presentation and discussion, I'll be around to think and talk about that :-) Wilfried. Rob Evans wrote:
I notice this item in the minutes:
Route object cleanup: proposal to change auth requirements for route object from IP address holder and ASN holder to only IP address holder. Concern was expressed that this effectively gives permission for the address holder to write to the AS owners routers. It was felt that this was a dangerous precedent. [AP66.2] RIPE NCC Raise this proposal on the DB-WG mailing list for discussion
Unfortunately I was in the Address Policy WG this morning, not in DB, and wasn't aware this was going to be discussed.
This is a topic that comes up periodically, as whilst the authentication rules for route object creation have a reason, they are at times arcane and at time the inability to find the right contact in another ASN can lead to delays in being able to route a prefix.
On Thursday's Routing WG session, George Michaelson of APNIC will make a very strongly related suggestion:
I'm happy to see discussion of this on the DB WG, but you're also more than welcome to join in the routing WG session and discuss this on the routing list too.
All the best, Rob
participants (3)
Nigel Titley
Rob Evans
Wilfried Woeber