Proposal for the stored/processed attribute (action 19.12)

Dear all, When I published the release notes of the RIPE database v1.1 beta version I also made some small notes regarding the format of the serial numbers that are needed for the (nearly) real-time mirroring of the RIPE database. Though, I know that you all like debating I didn't get any reactions :-(. Therefore I would like to stir up the discussion somewhat by highlighting the point (again) and formulate a (not the) proposal. If I understand our action list correct, the proposal will also make the historic action point on Marten Terpstra (19.12) about the 'stored:/processed:' attribute obsolete. What is (nearly) real-time mirroring support: The RIPE database software now labels all incoming (atomic) updates with an ever increasing serial number and stores the updates. It is now possible to retrieve all the changes to the database every ten minutes by use of a program that has been added to the RIPE database distribution. Before using the program it is required that you ask the people that maintain the database server near you (at RIPE: <>), to be put in an accessslist. We haven't had any major problems with the beta version software (so far) except for some small bugs and support files that needed some more explanation. We are now using the software for a mirror server at RIPE and plan to change the roles of mirror and backup somewhere at the end of January. Also, some registries (GARR-NIS, SWITCH, ANS) have already such a mirror server running. Problem description: The current real-time mirroring system stores all updates together with an ever increasing serial number in separate files. Although it works, it doesn't allow for growth (computers tend not to be able to handle ever increasing integer values). Also other features like building a history of an object are not possible and system failures are difficult to handle. From the start of the real-time mirror project we intended to first get the thing working and to make a design that would make adding these features possible. Since it appears to work now, I want to publish a proposal. There are two important things that needs to be addressed: - We need a reliable and unique serial number. - We want to be able to roll back *and* forth to a random date/serial by using the collection of all updates Proposal: We add a 'stored:' attribute to every object in the database that will contain the following information: stored: (NEW|UPD) DATE TIME serialnumber NEW|UPD - are we dealing with a new object or is it already updated once ? DATE - YYYYMMDD date of storing including the leading 19 or 20 TIME - time in HH:MM.SS, UTC time zone SERIAL - serial number to avoid updates with same time & date This should be an (nearly) ever increasing number. It could start from 0 for every date & time combination, but then we still need another ever increasing number for finding out if we missed updates or not. Of course every detail is open to discussion, I just wrote down one of the possibilities. In addition to the stored attribute we need a 'replaced:' attribute that will point to the object that it replaced and will thus nearly have the same syntax: replaced: SOURCE DATE TIME SERIAL We add the SOURCE here, for the time when we start integrating the different registry databases. Furthermore, we need to decide if we want to have both attributes to be visible when doing a whois query, one of them visible or all hidden except when using a special option. As always, please advise! David Kessens RIPE NCC
participants (1)