webupdates & syncupdates

Dear Colleagues, Prototypes for Web Updates and Synchronous Updates have been released, with the announcement available on http://www.ripe.net/db/syncupdates/ . - Web Updates Implementation of "Web Based Updates" intends to help the users of the RIPE Database by providing a convenient and simple to use graphical user interface for updating the database. The graphical user interface combines the help, update and acknowledgement facilities of the database to one graphical user interface. The first prototype is released, available from the url below. Prototype has the minimum functionality to send the updates. Operations currently supported are: * Add/delete/edit objects, * Add/delete/change the order of attributes, * Provide password based authentication, * Help text for each attribute, * Ability to prohibit updates on existing objects, forcing creation. The application can be used from the following URL: http://webupdates-test.ripe.net/ There is also an SSL interface available: https://webupdates-test.ripe.net/ Since this application is currently being developed, your feedback is most important to us. Please send any comments, suggestions, questions and criticisms to dbtools@ripe.net. - Synchronous Updates The aim of "Synchronous Updates" is to support updates to the RIPE Database in interactive, or synchronous mode, where the submission and the acknowledgement are communicated synchronously, unlike conventional mail. It also provides a backend for applications like "Web Based Updates". Main goals in developing this tool are: * Compatible with mail updates, having the same functionality, * Easy to program interfaces, * Scalable and controllable, responsive to overuse and/or misuse of resources, For updating the database using the prototype of syncupdates, either use this page: http://www.ripe.net/db/syncupdates/syncupdate-minimal.html or use the perl script, available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/db/syncupdates/sup_cli.pl which accepts the update from standard input. Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions, questions and criticisms to dbtools@ripe.net. Best Regards, -- Can Bican
participants (1)
Can Bican