Re: A ROUGH alternate proposal to CLNS DB for RIPE

Hi Sue, Tony,
* I'd like some pointers on where to go from here. * I send this document because my questions and alternate * formats provoked no additional comments. * I guess from a RIPE DB point of view the next step needs for these new objects to be agreed and for a RIPE document to come out of this. What say the RIPE DB chairman. Wilfried ?
(BTW, Sue and Victor could you please distribute this discussion to the appropriate lists @merit and, I deliberately shortened the Cc: list in order to save bandwidth) I've got to different opinions at the same time :-( The first one would say - we had a lengthy discussion in the RIPE-DB meetings, and we decided to implement the stuff according to the circulated proposal after minor improvement. The RIPE-NCC found no problem in implementing it. Unfortunately it turned out that there is room for considerable improvement (thanks to Sue's contribution!), thus my second opinion would say - as there is not yet wide-spread use of this object we should aim at the best solution that is economically feasable (implementation effort and quality of data). So let's go that way! Ok, now the technical part: I don't understand much of the game of NSAPs, RDIs, and the like :-( Thus I'd really like the folks who initially proposed the object and those who want to use it to review the situation and come up with a good-quality proposal. I'd like to have it circulated well before the next RIPE-Meeting because I'd like to eventually have final consensus in May. Henk, Victor, and the others who want to use it, please speak up!
* CLNS routing-domain object for the * RIPE database * Version 1.3B * Feb 1994 ... * 3) NETs host systems * * The DNS for CLNS system is under development. * As a host.txt file was once used to bootstrap * the internet, so a iso_hosts file must * be generated to help boot strap the CLNP Internet.
Right now I cannot clearly see the validity of this statement. I'd propose to provide an explanation why for example the use of IP-DNS or some other directory service is not possible to register hosts that are CLNP-capable. Also we would need a specification where, when, and how to convert the CLNS-hosts data in the RIPE-DB into an iso-hosts file. I think it is essential to describe the timeframe and the functional and resource limits (if any) of using the RIPE-DB for registering hosts and how to migrate the accumulated info afterwards to some form of CLNS-DNS or to whatever. Again, you know, when it comes to CLNS I may be terribly wrong :-) Wilfried. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Computer Center - ACOnet : Vienna University : Tel: +43 1 4065822 355 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4065822 170 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : NIC: WW144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet