NWI-1 overview of abuse contacts for resources

Colleagues I said at Ripe 79 that I would review the open NWIs. So lets start with NWI-1. This has been open and virtually static since 2016. The original summary is here:https://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail/archives/db-wg/2016-May/005234.html The situation has changed since then with the "abuse-c:" attribute now allowed in resource objects. The main point I was making (as one of the authors of this NWI) is that there is no easy way for a resource holder to view all the abuse contact details for any of their resources. Hierarchical queries for abuse contacts only search 'up' the hierarchy. There is no easy way for the resource holder to search 'down' through the hierarchies to find all/any abuse contact details. These can now be added at any point in a hierarchy and forgotten about. But they are still active and may present the wrong information when people query for these details. The question now is "Do we need a search/query option or RIPEstat widget that will present an overview of all abuse contacts from a resource allocation down the hierarchy, or even for all of an organisation's resources?" cheers denis co-chair DB-WG
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