Data Protection Task Force - Ref: RIPE53 DB-WG Draft Agenda V3. item C

Dear Community, the logistical infrastructure for the Data Protection Task Force has been set up by the NCC. It is available at We are trying to get together a reasonably diverse mix of people for this task force, representing the various roles, activities and types of interest. The TF will be presented and discussed on Fr. morning in the DB-WG session where we will try to collect the initial population. If you can't make it to the DB-WG meeting, please indicate your interest by personal mail to Jochem de Ruig and myself. Please read up on the TF's mandate, the goals and logistics, and consider stepping forward to *actively* contribute! Thank you. See you Friday morning, Wilfried.

Please read up on the TF's mandate, the goals and logistics, and consider stepping forward to *actively* contribute! Thank you.
Has RIPE published a clear statement of purpose for the database? If not, then when will RIPE comply with Article 7 of the Personal Data Registration Act 2000? Artikel 7 Persoonsgegevens worden voor welbepaalde, uitdrukkelijk omschreven en gerechtvaardigde doeleinden verzameld In English: Personal data shall be collected for specific/particular, explicitly defined and justified/legitimate purposes. Do we have an explicitly defined purpose? Is it a legitimate and justified purpose? Personally, I don't believe that there is an explicitly defined purpose and I do believe that some of the purposes for which the database are not legitimate or justified. --Michael Dillon
participants (2)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet