I propose to add the text below to the DB minutes:
Good idea. I think the example 2 should be corrected. See below. ---- |In case two or more guardians want to set an attribute |which can only have one value, the current state of the |attribute will not be changed and all guardians concerned will |be notified. | |Example: | |The aut-sys attribute of network in the database is AS193. |AS4711 adds this network to his guardian file. At the next database cleanup |all guardian files will be examined. | | 1) if the AS193 guardian file still contains a conflict | exists and the cuurent database state prevails: AS193 will remain | | 2) if has been removed from the AS193 guardian file | no conflict exists and AS193 will be replaced by AS4711 ^^^^^^ |Similarly the aut-sys attribute will remain undefined if it is undefined |and two guardians add it simultaneouly. | |Since the cleanup runs every 24 hours guardians involved in a change should |coordinate their changes such that they are done in the same 24h period. | ----
Yes, Sir! :-) Wilfried.

"Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at> writes: | 2) if has been removed from the AS193 guardian file | no conflict exists and AS193 will be replaced by AS4711
Just checking if people read it. :-)
participants (2)
Daniel Karrenberg
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet