Referencing macros within RIPE-DB which are defined in RADB ?

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 96 11:55:38 +0100 From: Bjorn Carlsson <>
I have a question. I know that both Vienna and CERN build the as-path lists automatically.
GSL (Global Sprintlink) is connecting in Paris shortly, and they announce a lot of ASes. These ASes are defined in an as-macro which resides in the RADB and not the RIPE-DB. Will your filter-build programs be able to pick this macro up from the RADB? Or do they only scan the RIPE-DB?
Hi Bjorn, hmm, good question. We are mirroring those split-parts (rt, as) of the RIPE-DB which are needed by "rlc" to our local machine. If it turns out that we also need split-parts of the RADB and they are available by FTP like with RIPE, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, as long as the RADB splits have the same format. However, because rlc isn't able to compress as-path lists, I'm still using your nicely compressed "New AS-EBONE + as-path list".
Or rather, do I need to add each new GSL as explicitly to AS-EBONE, or can I add just AS-GSL?
It's an interesting question which should be discussed by the RIPE-DB working group ! Wilfried please take this, unfortunately I won't attend RIPE-23 !!! I have the following general questions in mind: - Is it allowed within the RIPE-DB to reference objects (macros) which are defined in a different RR (e.g. RADB) without duplicating them to the RIPE-DB ? - Is there a mechanism which ensures that object-names (macro-names) are unique ? - What are the implications for the various tools ? Kind regards Christian --- Christian Panigl : Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet --- --- VUCC - ACOnet : -------------------------------------------- --- --- Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Internet: --- --- A-1010 Vienna / Austria : Tel: +43 1 4065822-383 (Fax: -170) ---

Hi Christian,
Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383 writes :
GSL (Global Sprintlink) is connecting in Paris shortly, and they announce a lot of ASes. These ASes are defined in an as-macro which resides in the RADB and not the RIPE-DB. Will your filter-build programs be able to pick this macro up from the RADB? Or do they only scan the RIPE-DB?
Hi Bjorn,
hmm, good question. We are mirroring those split-parts (rt, as) of the RIPE-DB which are needed by "rlc" to our local machine. If it turns out that we also need split-parts of the RADB and they are available by FTP like with RIPE, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work, as long as the RADB splits have the same format. However, because rlc isn't able
The RIPE NCC is mirroring the RADB database. It's available in: It is easy to split the file in separate files for every type of object with a small perl script.
It's an interesting question which should be discussed by the RIPE-DB working group ! Wilfried please take this, unfortunately I won't attend RIPE-23 !!! I have the following general questions in mind:
- Is it allowed within the RIPE-DB to reference objects (macros) which are defined in a different RR (e.g. RADB) without duplicating them to the RIPE-DB ?
No that isn't supported yet.
- Is there a mechanism which ensures that object-names (macro-names) are unique ?
The name of the macro is not unique for all registries. One could uniquify the name by adding the registry name as defined in the 'source:' attribute of the database objects. I think this might be an interesting topic to be discussed during the RIPE db-wg session, Kind regards, David Kessens
participants (2)
Christian Panigl, ACOnet/UniVie +43 1 4065822-383