Proposed agenda (draft) for DB-WG at RIPE-29

This is the first draft agenda (proposal) for the DB-WG meeting next week. Some of the items with relevance for a broader audience are being put on the agenda for the plenary. Thus I suppose that we can finish business during the 1st of the two assigned slots. Nevertheless, there is a lot of things which could need attention, potentially by a bunch of people "representing" different WGs. Therefore I'd like to keep the 2nd slot open for last minute activities. As usual, comments, additions, etc. welcome! See you! Wilfried. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposed Agenda for the Database Working Group Meeting RIPE-29, January 1998, Amsterdam Draft, Jan. 20, 1998 A. Administrative stuff (Wilfried Woeber, chair, 5min) - appointment of scribe - agenda bashing B. NCC Update (Ambrose Magee, 10min) C. DB Consistency: state of the database report (Kurt Dirnbauer, Horst Koenigshofer, 15min) D. DB SW Re-engineering (Mal Morris, 10min + discussion) - NCC proposal/status - new/changed functionality - user community involvment - implementation scenario(s) - application and/or environment specific aspects (exchange point administration, ...) E. Other developments - Registry data exchange (RIDE) - IRR security Y. Input from other WGs - t.b.d. Z. AOB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wilfried Woeber : e-mail: Computer Center - ACOnet : Vienna University : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33 Universitaetsstrasse 7 : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140 A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe : RIPE-DB (&NIC) Handle: WW144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet