Re: NCC#2003092385 [db-wg] uodate failure

Dear Randy, I've sent the answer in the morning, strangely it didn't reach you. Please find it below. If you have any more questions, please contact <>. Regards, Katie Petrusha ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration. From: RIPE Database Administration <> To: Randy Bush <> FCC: cur Subject: Re: NCC#2003091799 FAILED: as3130 Reply-To: Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 10:43:51 +0200 Dear Randy, At the moment person/role object with nic-handle RB366 doesn't exist in the RIPEDatabase, therefore you can't reference it from any other object. However RB366-ARIN exists and seems to be yours, maybe you meant to use that one? If you have any more questions, please contact <>. Regards, Katie Petrusha ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration. Original message follows: ------------------------ no answer from, so figured to ask here. what did i do wrongly? (original was pgp wrapped) To: Subject: FAILED: as3130 Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 23:08:42 +0200 (MEST)
From: Randy Bush <> Subject: as3130 Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 14:08:25 -0700 Reply-To: Message-ID: <>
SUMMARY OF UPDATE: Number of objects found: 1 Number of objects processed successfully: 0 Create: 0 Modify: 0 Delete: 0 No Operation: 0 Number of objects processed with errors: 1 Create: 0 Modify: 1 Delete: 0 Syntax Errors: 0 DETAILED EXPLANATION: ***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following object(s) were found to have ERRORS: --- Modify FAILED: [aut-num] AS3130 ***Info: Authorisation passed ***Info: Syntax check passed aut-num: AS3130 as-name: RGNET-3130 descr: RGnet/PSGnet admin-c: RB366 tech-c: RB366 import: from AS1239 accept ANY import: from AS2914 accept ANY import: from AS3927 accept AS3927 import: from AS3970 accept AS3970 import: from AS4128 accept AS4128 import: from AS101 accept AS-PNW-GIGAPOP import: from AS11726 accept AS-ACUMEN import: from AS12111 accept AS-OEN import: from AS16713 accept AS-NOANET-PEERING import: from AS2044 accept AS2044 import: from AS3491 accept AS-CAIS import: from AS4513 accept AS-GLOBIX import: from AS4565 accept AS-EPOCH import: from AS6456 accept AS6456 import: from AS7610 accept AS-SINGAREN import: from AS8075 accept AS8075 export: to AS1239 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2914 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3927 announce ANY export: to AS3970 announce ANY export: to AS4128 announce ANY export: to AS101 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS11726 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS12111 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS16713 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2044 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3491 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4513 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4565 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS6456 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS7610 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS8075 announce AS-RGNET notify: mnt-by: MAINT-RGNET changed: 20030905 source: RIPE ***Error: Unknown object referenced ***Info: Authorisation for [aut-num] AS3130 using mnt-by: authenticated by: MAINT-RGNET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For assistance or clarification please contact: RIPE Database Administration <>

Hi Randy,
I've sent the answer in the morning, strangely it didn't reach you. Please find it below.
The RIPE NCC had a mail problem today which delayed outgoing mail. This has now been fixed and I expect you will receive Katie's original mail shortly. Regards, Mally Mclane RIPE NCC - Operations
If you have any more questions, please contact <>.
Katie Petrusha ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration.
From: RIPE Database Administration <> To: Randy Bush <> FCC: cur Subject: Re: NCC#2003091799 FAILED: as3130 Reply-To: Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 10:43:51 +0200
Dear Randy,
At the moment person/role object with nic-handle RB366 doesn't exist in the RIPEDatabase, therefore you can't reference it from any other object. However RB366-ARIN exists and seems to be yours, maybe you meant to use that one?
If you have any more questions, please contact <>.
Katie Petrusha ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration.
Original message follows: ------------------------
no answer from, so figured to ask here.
what did i do wrongly? (original was pgp wrapped)
To: Subject: FAILED: as3130 Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 23:08:42 +0200 (MEST)
From: Randy Bush <> Subject: as3130 Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 14:08:25 -0700 Reply-To: Message-ID: <>
Number of objects found: 1 Number of objects processed successfully: 0 Create: 0 Modify: 0 Delete: 0 No Operation: 0 Number of objects processed with errors: 1 Create: 0 Modify: 1 Delete: 0 Syntax Errors: 0
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following object(s) were found to have ERRORS:
--- Modify FAILED: [aut-num] AS3130 ***Info: Authorisation passed ***Info: Syntax check passed
aut-num: AS3130 as-name: RGNET-3130 descr: RGnet/PSGnet admin-c: RB366 tech-c: RB366 import: from AS1239 accept ANY import: from AS2914 accept ANY import: from AS3927 accept AS3927 import: from AS3970 accept AS3970 import: from AS4128 accept AS4128 import: from AS101 accept AS-PNW-GIGAPOP import: from AS11726 accept AS-ACUMEN import: from AS12111 accept AS-OEN import: from AS16713 accept AS-NOANET-PEERING import: from AS2044 accept AS2044 import: from AS3491 accept AS-CAIS import: from AS4513 accept AS-GLOBIX import: from AS4565 accept AS-EPOCH import: from AS6456 accept AS6456 import: from AS7610 accept AS-SINGAREN import: from AS8075 accept AS8075 export: to AS1239 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2914 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3927 announce ANY export: to AS3970 announce ANY export: to AS4128 announce ANY export: to AS101 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS11726 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS12111 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS16713 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2044 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3491 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4513 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4565 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS6456 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS7610 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS8075 announce AS-RGNET notify: mnt-by: MAINT-RGNET changed: 20030905 source: RIPE ***Error: Unknown object referenced
***Info: Authorisation for [aut-num] AS3130 using mnt-by: authenticated by: MAINT-RGNET
For assistance or clarification please contact: RIPE Database Administration <>

I've sent the answer in the morning, strangely it didn't reach you.
darn! can't find mail from you with grep 2003091799 in pre-spam-filter archive. something sick somewhere. do you have the message-id?
At the moment person/role object with nic-handle RB366 doesn't exist in the RIPEDatabase, therefore you can't reference it from any other object.
<doh!> i was quite distracted by
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130
and spent a long time wondering what was wrong with
aut-num: AS3130
any chance that your diagnostics could say *which* fields had the invalid keywords, or what the invalid keywords are? randy

Hi, I'm sure Randy will now be able to complete his update. However, please allow me to comment that the error message should in all probability be improved. The "meat" of the error message doesn't mention the actual "keyword" or reference which is in error, it merely said:
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored
which seems to imply that it interpreted "as3130" as a keyword, and
***Error: Unknown object referenced
which doesn't actually point towards which reference it is complaining about. Regards, - H�vard

I'm sure Randy will now be able to complete his update.
i did. [ separate subject: why should i bother maintaining a copy of my objects in ripe too, when they are already in one of the 18 other irr servers? ]
However, please allow me to comment that the error message should in all probability be improved. The "meat" of the error message doesn't mention the actual "keyword" or reference which is in error, it merely said:
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored
which seems to imply that it interpreted "as3130" as a keyword, and
***Error: Unknown object referenced
which doesn't actually point towards which reference it is complaining about.
bingo! i kept (emacs) searching for occurances of 'as3130', looking for other diagnostics, ... i sent the message back to ripe-dmb and had all weekend to stare at the darned thing while waiting for a reply, and nada, nicht, zippo. so i posted the message to, and had an answer in five minutes or less. FYI, Peter Koch was first in my mailbox, but i have not compared sender timestamps and don't know if the sending machines run ntp anyway:-). thanks all. randy

Hi, On 2003-09-08 14:52:10 +0200, Havard Eidnes wrote:
I'm sure Randy will now be able to complete his update.
However, please allow me to comment that the error message should in all probability be improved. The "meat" of the error message doesn't mention the actual "keyword" or reference which is in error, it merely said:
***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found: as3130 ***Warning: All keywords were ignored
which seems to imply that it interpreted "as3130" as a keyword, and
Those warnings actually refer to the subject line of the update message. Perhaps it must read "***Warning: Invalid keyword(s) found in subject line".
***Error: Unknown object referenced
which doesn't actually point towards which reference it is complaining about.
Right. This is already in our plate. Best regards,
- Håvard
-- Engin Gunduz RIPE NCC Database Group

btw, to be very clear, and as a once-upon-a-time compiler hacker who would have been severely excoriated for poor diagnostic reporting, what i would have liked to have received would be something along the lines of Modify FAILED: [aut-num] AS3130 ***Info: Authorisation passed ***Info: Syntax check passed aut-num: AS3130 as-name: RGNET-3130 descr: RGnet/PSGnet admin-c: RB366 ^ unknown object referenced tech-c: RB366 ^ unknown object referenced import: from AS1239 accept ANY import: from AS2914 accept ANY import: from AS3927 accept AS3927 import: from AS3970 accept AS3970 import: from AS4128 accept AS4128 import: from AS101 accept AS-PNW-GIGAPOP import: from AS11726 accept AS-ACUMEN import: from AS12111 accept AS-OEN import: from AS16713 accept AS-NOANET-PEERING import: from AS2044 accept AS2044 import: from AS3491 accept AS-CAIS import: from AS4513 accept AS-GLOBIX import: from AS4565 accept AS-EPOCH import: from AS6456 accept AS6456 import: from AS7610 accept AS-SINGAREN import: from AS8075 accept AS8075 export: to AS1239 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2914 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3927 announce ANY export: to AS3970 announce ANY export: to AS4128 announce ANY export: to AS101 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS11726 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS12111 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS16713 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2044 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3491 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4513 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4565 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS6456 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS7610 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS8075 announce AS-RGNET notify: mnt-by: MAINT-RGNET changed: 20030905 source: RIPE ***Info: Authorisation for [aut-num] AS3130 using mnt-by: authenticated by: MAINT-RGNET randy

Hello, i support Randys suggestion. This format would greatly improve the error reporting/diagnosis. best regards, Arnd ---- Randy Bush wrote:
btw, to be very clear, and as a once-upon-a-time compiler hacker who would have been severely excoriated for poor diagnostic reporting, what i would have liked to have received would be something along the lines of
Modify FAILED: [aut-num] AS3130 ***Info: Authorisation passed ***Info: Syntax check passed
aut-num: AS3130 as-name: RGNET-3130 descr: RGnet/PSGnet admin-c: RB366 ^ unknown object referenced tech-c: RB366 ^ unknown object referenced import: from AS1239 accept ANY import: from AS2914 accept ANY import: from AS3927 accept AS3927 import: from AS3970 accept AS3970 import: from AS4128 accept AS4128 import: from AS101 accept AS-PNW-GIGAPOP import: from AS11726 accept AS-ACUMEN import: from AS12111 accept AS-OEN import: from AS16713 accept AS-NOANET-PEERING import: from AS2044 accept AS2044 import: from AS3491 accept AS-CAIS import: from AS4513 accept AS-GLOBIX import: from AS4565 accept AS-EPOCH import: from AS6456 accept AS6456 import: from AS7610 accept AS-SINGAREN import: from AS8075 accept AS8075 export: to AS1239 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2914 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3927 announce ANY export: to AS3970 announce ANY export: to AS4128 announce ANY export: to AS101 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS11726 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS12111 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS16713 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS2044 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS3491 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4513 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS4565 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS6456 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS7610 announce AS-RGNET export: to AS8075 announce AS-RGNET notify: mnt-by: MAINT-RGNET changed: 20030905 source: RIPE
***Info: Authorisation for [aut-num] AS3130 using mnt-by: authenticated by: MAINT-RGNET
participants (6)
Arnd Vehling
Engin Gunduz
Havard Eidnes
Mally Mclane
Randy Bush
RIPE Database Administration