[ Moderator note: changed local-ir@ripe.net -> db-wg@ripe.net ] Is it good that everybody is using addreses from ripe database for sennding such a stuipid and annoing messages? The problem is that it is happening more frequently. Maybe anybody has solved the problem how to filter messages like that ..? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Return-Path: <JCh7649460@aol.com> Delivered-To: irmis@isi.kvm.lt Received: (qmail 11358 invoked from network); 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 Received: from lex.balt.net (root@ by isi.kvm.lt with SMTP; 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 Received: from imo13.mx.aol.com (imo13.mx.aol.com []) by lex.balt.net (8.9.1a/8.9.0) with ESMTP id QAA01908 for <registry@balt.net>; Fri, 5 Mar 1999 16:00:27 -0100 From: JCh7649460@aol.com Received: from JCh7649460@aol.com by imo13.mx.aol.com (IMOv19.3) id aTOYa22613; Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: <3afff544.36dfe6f3@aol.com> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 EST Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 sub 76 This is a 1 time mailing Fire the Boss and break the Alarm Clock! I did! after eleven years, I left a $140,000 a year income for this opportunity I can truly say it was one of the best decisions of my life!!! Never commute again! make $2000-$5000 per week from home with a turn key marketing system! To find out how our system works call the 800#. You can start out in your spare time, work part time or work up to full time if you want to! It's your business! Call 1-800 607-6006 ex 2492# then press 1 no selling! stay home with the family! Proven track record of success! 1 800-607-6006 ex 2492# call now! Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 Thank You

Hi, Irmantas Gudelis, If you suspect that someone is using e-mail addresses from the RIPE Database for marketing and/or advertising purposes, please contact <ripe-dbm@ripe.net>. Please send as much information as possible. Regards, A. M. R. Magee _______________________ RIPE NCC Database Group Irmantas Gudelis <irmis@isi.kvm.lt> writes: * [ Moderator note: changed local-ir@ripe.net -> db-wg@ripe.net ] * * * Is it good that everybody is using addreses from ripe database for * sennding such a stuipid and annoing messages? * * The problem is that it is happening more frequently. * * Maybe anybody has solved the problem how to filter messages like that ..? * * ---------- Forwarded message ---------- * Return-Path: <JCh7649460@aol.com> * Delivered-To: irmis@isi.kvm.lt * Received: (qmail 11358 invoked from network); 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 * Received: from lex.balt.net (root@ * by isi.kvm.lt with SMTP; 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 * Received: from imo13.mx.aol.com (imo13.mx.aol.com []) * by lex.balt.net (8.9.1a/8.9.0) with ESMTP id QAA01908 * for <registry@balt.net>; Fri, 5 Mar 1999 16:00:27 -0100 * From: JCh7649460@aol.com * Received: from JCh7649460@aol.com * by imo13.mx.aol.com (IMOv19.3) id aTOYa22613; * Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 -0500 (EST) * Message-ID: <3afff544.36dfe6f3@aol.com> * Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 EST * Mime-Version: 1.0 * Subject: Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 * Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII * Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit * X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 sub 76 * * This is a 1 time mailing * * Fire the Boss and break the Alarm Clock! * * I did! after eleven years, I left a $140,000 a year income for this * opportunity * I can truly say it was one of the best decisions of my life!!! Never commute * * again! make $2000-$5000 per week from home with a turn key marketing * system! To find out how our system works call the 800#. You can start ou * t * in your spare time, work part time or work up to full time if you want to! * It's * your business! Call 1-800 607-6006 ex 2492# then press 1 no selling! * stay home with the family! Proven track record of success! * * 1 800-607-6006 ex 2492# call now! * * Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thank You * * * *

Hi, Irmantas Gudelis, If you suspect that someone is using e-mail addresses from the RIPE Database for marketing and/or advertising purposes, please contact <ripe-dbm@ripe.net>. Please send as much information as possible. Regards, A. M. R. Magee _______________________ RIPE NCC Database Group Irmantas Gudelis <irmis@isi.kvm.lt> writes: * [ Moderator note: changed local-ir@ripe.net -> db-wg@ripe.net ] * * * Is it good that everybody is using addreses from ripe database for * sennding such a stuipid and annoing messages? * * The problem is that it is happening more frequently. * * Maybe anybody has solved the problem how to filter messages like that ..? * * ---------- Forwarded message ---------- * Return-Path: <JCh7649460@aol.com> * Delivered-To: irmis@isi.kvm.lt * Received: (qmail 11358 invoked from network); 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 * Received: from lex.balt.net (root@ * by isi.kvm.lt with SMTP; 5 Mar 1999 15:09:08 -0000 * Received: from imo13.mx.aol.com (imo13.mx.aol.com []) * by lex.balt.net (8.9.1a/8.9.0) with ESMTP id QAA01908 * for <registry@balt.net>; Fri, 5 Mar 1999 16:00:27 -0100 * From: JCh7649460@aol.com * Received: from JCh7649460@aol.com * by imo13.mx.aol.com (IMOv19.3) id aTOYa22613; * Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 -0500 (EST) * Message-ID: <3afff544.36dfe6f3@aol.com> * Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 09:15:15 EST * Mime-Version: 1.0 * Subject: Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 * Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII * Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit * X-Mailer: AOL 3.0 for Windows 95 sub 76 * * This is a 1 time mailing * * Fire the Boss and break the Alarm Clock! * * I did! after eleven years, I left a $140,000 a year income for this * opportunity * I can truly say it was one of the best decisions of my life!!! Never commute * * again! make $2000-$5000 per week from home with a turn key marketing * system! To find out how our system works call the 800#. You can start ou * t * in your spare time, work part time or work up to full time if you want to! * It's * your business! Call 1-800 607-6006 ex 2492# then press 1 no selling! * stay home with the family! Proven track record of success! * * 1 800-607-6006 ex 2492# call now! * * Profit From The Internet Growth-Explosion 800 607-6006 Ex 2492 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thank You * * * *
participants (2)
Irmantas Gudelis
RIPE Database Administration