Re: Cc: in <auto-dbm> replies

I think the database should send any outgoing mails with sender address <> or similar Dear Carsten,
come on, you're kidding, aren't you? This would mean to expand Usenet's bad habits to RIPE email answers. That doesn't seem to be a really good idea...
I just say that *automatic* aswers should be blocked. However I don't think to hide the real sender as spammers do. Any human intelligence can find out easily where the mail came from if the RFC822 header contains a Sender: or X-This-Mail-Really-Came-From: ;-) line. So this header looks absolute correct for me: To: <as required> Cc: <as proposed> From: (Do not reply this address) Sender: (RIPE database engine) X-Comment: This is an acknowledgement, not intended to be replied. Regards Gabor
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