RE: [db-wg] proposal: haiku object

Titley, Nigel <> wrote:
Olaf M. Kolkman wrote:
I'd suggest the descr: field to be in the poetic form itself.
Looking at the VERSE-SONNET we may have a problem. There are several subclasses that people may wish to use. The Italian Sonnet, The English Sonnet and more modern varieties. How do we indicate possible sub-classes in the object?
poetic-form: VERSE-SONNET variety: ENGLISH descr: (Somebody needs to write an English Sonnet)
I would propose to Keep It Simple
Poetic form: MAJOR-[MINOR][-SUBMINOR][-...] Example : poetic-form: VERSE-SONNET-ITALIAN poetic-form: VERSE-SONNET-ENGLISH ex : Venitian variety of Italian Sonnet could be :
This way we can extend as much as we want the poetic form. This is based on the assumption that Poetric form are homothetic to a tree structure. Which cannot be proven according to Goedel's theorem however I would say it is sufficiently close to reality for me. We will let the work of demonstrating the tree like structure of poetic form to the mathematicians if you don't mind. Regards, -- +33 (0)1 70 18 14 45 Gestion des adresses IPs, BU Data n9uf telecom 40 - 42 Quai du Point du Jour 92659 Boulogne Billancourt
participants (1)
TAYON, Julien