petition against DENIC's plans

Hi all, I've setup a quick and dirty Website to vote against DENIC's plans. Please sign: I just copied my mails regarding this, so if there is anybody out to rewrite the text... please send them to Greetings from Germany Henning Brauer Hostmaster BSWS ------------------------------------------------ BS Web Services Roedingsmarkt 14 20459 Hamburg Germany fon: +49 40 3750357-0 fax: +49 40 3750357-5 PLEASE USE EMAIL WHERE POSSIBLE

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 wrote:
I've setup a quick and dirty Website to vote against DENIC's plans. Please sign:
have you read or ?
Greetings from Germany Henning Brauer Hostmaster BSWS
Best Regards, HaJo Gurt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans-Joachim Gurt NACAMAR Data Communications Nacamar Network Administration Robert-Bosch-Str. 32 D-63303 Dreieich / Germany Voice: +49 6103 916 0 Fax: +49 6103 916 222 ------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Borg, James Borg. License to assimilate. wrote:
Hi all,
I've setup a quick and dirty Website to vote against DENIC's plans. Please sign: I just copied my mails regarding this, so if there is anybody out to rewrite the text... please send them to
Why? its not our remit to do this, the issue was discussed at the RIPE meetings as i have tried to show and concensus was reached, the domains will move from the RIPE DB and how deNIC do this is their problem. And they will not be supported when we move to the RPSL version of the DB. Bottom line - the domains should not be there in the first place we are an IP community not a domain community. If you have a problem with deNIC and its migration policy raise it with them not us, at the very least raise it in CENTR's discussion forums that is why the RIPE community set this up. I really do not see what the big problem is, if you see a problem with the way deNIC is migrating the objects then instead of bitching about it help them fix it in the right forum not ours. We did not put the objects there so why complain to us when we have put up with this abuse for so long of our IP based systems, we do not want to keep them we want them out of our DB. Regards Stephen Burley UUNET EMEA Hostmaster
Greetings from Germany
Henning Brauer Hostmaster BSWS
------------------------------------------------ BS Web Services Roedingsmarkt 14 20459 Hamburg Germany
fon: +49 40 3750357-0 fax: +49 40 3750357-5
participants (3)
Nacamar AS Guardian
Stephen Burley