Re: The addition of guarded fields

Dave Morton <> writes * Marten, * No big help I know - this looks messy and a real nasty can of * worms. Mabye the db needs a whole new type of object for these * damm blocks, other than that I don't see any real way out ! ? * Dave Maybe you are right, but right now I would not have any idea how to do so. If have even been thinking of putting all the guarded fields in some other object, which has just the network number and the guarded fields, and no other information. by querying the database one would get the normal output and an extra object with the network number and all its guarded values. In this extra object, no blocks would be allowed ... -Marten PS CCed to routing and db-wg, because this may be a solution.
participants (1)
Marten Terpstra