RE: AS information available via DNS

Tony, This sounds at first sight as a good idea. Fairly dynamic and distributed and the like. A remark about the possibility as building access lists and the like. You can do that quite easily of course, but I would like to have one way of building access lists (and BGP network lists for that matter) from the RIPE database. Currently we are using nlc. I would definitely prefer that we have ONE tool to generate the lists. Apart form this other nice solutions may be available. Talking about this, will te the tool the NCC is working upon (as was reported at the last RIPE), be based on nlc, or is it completely new? If you delegate zones should this delegation also be put in the AS object like it is in the domain object? Delegation can not be done to the guardian (I guess that's why you used double quotes). For AS1103 (SURFnet) the guardian is a alias for a list of responsibles. If you put delegation info in the AS info, should this state nserver as well as zone-c and tech-c? Willem
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Willem van der Scheun, SARA, +31 20 5923079