FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: [db-wg] Proposal to deprecate CRYPT-PW authorisation in the RIPE Database

Hi, ---Gert Doering--- The information in the RIPE DB, especially the route: and aut-num: objects, are very closely tied to operational issues. A number of large networks (specific example: Cable & Wireless, AS1273, our upstream provider) are using this data to build their BGP filters. This is very much "hard tied to operational issues". ------------------ Gert, you know very well that the RIPE DB is not the only DB in the world. It is inaccurate at the moment in many cases. There are several networks which are not in any DB. "The large networks" may use SOME DB records, yes, but they use other ways to build their configuration too. They HAVE TO live in the real world. It's their "operational issues". Then they can live with it further. I think that sort of global changes for so many users of the DB (not "lookers" but a sort of "data administrators") should be done with their opinions and their "operational issues" taking into account but not the only "big fish players. Vladislav Potapov Ru.iiat P.S. To Max Tulyev:"I will be so thankful if you will point me to the law ;)" I won't do that for many reasons. In the Internet there are many answers to your questions.
participants (1)
Potapov Vladislav