Re: Who should do entries in RIPE database?

------- Forwarded Message From: Christian Kratzer <> Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: Who should do entries in RIPE database? To: (Carsten Schiefner) Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:09:58 +0100 (MET) Cc: In-Reply-To: <> from "Carsten Schiefner" at Oct 28, 97 04:18:36 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24 ME8a] Content-Type: text Content-Length: 1555 Hi
As a result of a voluminous discussion with one of POPs I would like to point your interest on the following topic I am a little bit upset of:
Almost everybody who knows about about the RIPE database schema (which is no secret at all!) can do entries just by sending a mail to ''. This leads to an overwhelming bunch of multiple, bad maintained or what-ever-you-want entries - especially person objects - without any fun in grepping through them and selecting the right one to create a new object. Example:
There are four(!) entries for the entity "Joerg Schmidt" of "ZWF Digitale Informations Technologie GmbH": JS893-RIPE, JS1161-RIPE, JS1163-RIPE and JS1438-RIPE. This should be definitely stopped!
My idea is that we should discuss future restrictions on the possibility for everybody to put entries in the RIPE database, maybe by setting up and maintaing access lists for every LIR.
For me this database is a central tool in my daily work and I am very interested in keeping quality and reliability of stored data as high as possible.
it would propably be sufficient to require a passphrase for so only regisitiers with registered passwords could submit entries or change records. This would definetely keep the "internet experts" from mucking around in the database.d Greetings Christian - -- TopLink GbR, Internet Services Christian Kratzer Phone: +49 7032 2701-0 Fax: +49 7032 2701-19 FreeBSD spoken here! ------- End of Forwarded Message
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