RE: Proposal for extended syntax for the 'country:' attribute

Please advise us. We have the idea that this topic is really something for an interesting academic debate ;-),
I wonder - do you (actually the software :-) currently check against some sort of list? iso3166? Wilfried.

Hi Wilfried,
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet writes :
I wonder - do you (actually the software :-) currently check against some sort of list? iso3166?
Yes. I have a list in the config file with valid iso3166 country codes. The list only contains the country codes that are referred to by database objects. That means that I need to add a specific country code when the need arises. It is inflexible but allows for a minimal number of typos. Kind regards, David Kessens RIPE NCC ---- # the list of valid country names RIPE database specific, used # for syntax checking. May move into different config at later stage. COUNTRY AD ad COUNTRY AE ae COUNTRY AL al COUNTRY AM am COUNTRY AT at COUNTRY AZ az COUNTRY BE be COUNTRY BF bf COUNTRY BG bg COUNTRY BH bh COUNTRY BY by COUNTRY CH ch COUNTRY CM cm COUNTRY CS cs COUNTRY CZ cz COUNTRY CY cy COUNTRY DE de COUNTRY DK dk COUNTRY DZ dz COUNTRY EE ee COUNTRY EG eg COUNTRY ES es COUNTRY EU eu COUNTRY FI fi COUNTRY FO fo COUNTRY FR fr COUNTRY GB gb COUNTRY GH gh COUNTRY GL gl COUNTRY GR gr COUNTRY HR hr COUNTRY HU hu COUNTRY IE ie COUNTRY IL il COUNTRY IN in COUNTRY IR ir COUNTRY IS is COUNTRY IT it COUNTRY JO jo COUNTRY KE ke COUNTRY KG kg COUNTRY KW kw COUNTRY KZ kz COUNTRY LA la COUNTRY LB lb COUNTRY LI li COUNTRY LU lu COUNTRY LV lv COUNTRY LT lt COUNTRY MA ma COUNTRY MC mc COUNTRY MD md COUNTRY MK mk COUNTRY MT mt COUNTRY NC nc COUNTRY NE ne COUNTRY NG ng COUNTRY NL nl COUNTRY NO no COUNTRY OM om COUNTRY PF pf COUNTRY PK pk COUNTRY PL pl COUNTRY PT pt COUNTRY RO ro COUNTRY RU ru COUNTRY SA sa COUNTRY SE se COUNTRY SG sg COUNTRY SI si COUNTRY SK sk COUNTRY SM sm COUNTRY SN sn COUNTRY SU su COUNTRY TN tn COUNTRY TR tr COUNTRY UA ua COUNTRY US us COUNTRY UZ uz COUNTRY YU yu COUNTRY ZA za COUNTRY ZM zm # And some funny translations COUNTRY GB UK COUNTRY GB uk ENDCONF # do not remove!
participants (2)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet