draft agenda (V2) for DB-WG meeting, RIPE 48, Amsterdam, NL

Dear DB-WG community, below please find Version *2* of the draft agenda for the DB-WG meeting at RIPE48 in Amsterdam, NL. Changes: - the CRISP item was confirmed by Andrew Norton, as well as the follow-up by the RIPE NCC - proposal to better support works of art in the DataBase poetry or just haiku? text-only (IDN-style??) or multi-media? - a sub-item added in A. to find out if coordination is needed for "remote participation" and maybe the Wiki stuff. Looking forward to see many of you again in Amsterdam! Wilfried. ++++++++ [ slot Nr.1 ] A. Administrative Matters - scribe - list of participants - agenda - minutes - "remote participation" coordination (if needed) B. DB Operational Update (Shane K., RIPE NCC) [~20 min] C. ERX Phase 3 (Leo V., RIPE NCC) [~15 min] D. Value "ZZ" for country: attribute (Engin G., RIPE NCC) [~10 min] E. CRISP/Joint-Whois status [~30 min] . report by Andrew Newton, VeriSign . follow-up by RIPE NCC [ slot Nr.2 ] F. support for works of art (Nigel T., FLAG TC [~10 min] . poetry | haiku | ??? G. irt: / abuse: [60+ min] . proposal by Niall O'R. & Randy B. . statistics by Marco H. Y. Input from other WGs Z. AOB -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30-APR-2004 09:40:06 UTC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet