RIPE51 DB-WG Draft Agenda V1

Dear DB-WG folks, Chairs, Meeting! Here is the 1st draft of an agenda for the DB-WG next week at RIPE51 in Amsterdam. For time slot allocation please refer to the most up-to-date meeting plan at Comments and additional topic proposals requested. Pesentations which might be of particular interest for those actively contributing ideas and expertise to DB-development: Tue. 18. Certificates and IP Addresses. Fri. 25. DNSSEC Deployment. and a presentation on (a) new whois interface(s) t.b.c. For a complete list of plenary presentations please have a look at Looking forward to meet many of you next week in Amsterdam, Wilfried. PS: kudos to everyone involved in making the "Summary of Changes in Recent RIPE Documents" at available on the web. THANKS!! ________________________________________________________________________ A. Administrative Matters - scribe - list of participants - agenda - minutes - "remote participation" coordination (if needed) B. DB Update (N.N., RIPE NCC) [~15 min] C. Review of security mechanisms in the DB (Peter K., [~15 min] . quality of CRYPT-PW, CRYPT-MD5, X.509 . level of vulnerabilty in current dataset D. state of whois services, developments? (WW144, N.N., RIPE NCC) [~15 min] X. Impact of "PDP" on how the DB-WG operates (WW144) [~15 min] . ref: Y. Input from other WGs . DNS: secureDNS requirements for the DB Z. AOB
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet