Draft Minutes DB-WG RIPE 43

I'm sure I posted this set of minutes, but I can't find it on the mailing list. So here goes again. Errors and problems to me. I'll give it 2 weeks and then issue the final version. Nigel Database Working Group Meeting Minutes (Draft 1) RIPE-43, Sept. 9 - 13, 2002, Rhodes, GR Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002 09:00-12:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. Administrative stuff (WW, chair) . scribe (offer to take notes received from Nigel) . circulate list of participants, agenda bashing . status of minutes [ see http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/db/minutes/ripe-42.html ] . All presentation slides are available on the RIPE NCC web site. B. Action Items . status of actions [AP-41.1 WW] To send list of proposed updates to IRRToolSet to mailing list for WG members to vote on. Deadline 3 weeks. Expired and superceded by AP-43.6 and AP-43.9 [AP-41.2 C&W] To send their proposal to allow referencing external objects in the DB to the mailing list for discussion. Superceded by AP-43.7 and AP-43.8 [AP-41.3 RIPE-NCC] Create Documentation and BCP for IRT object. Ongoing, some work done. [AP-41.4 ALL] Create IRT object and tag inetnum for all appropriate objects. Complete. IRT objects are being created (4 so far) and no problems being reported with process. [AP-41.5 WW] To put together a group to put together a short guidance document to guide reference document writers. This team to include Ruediger. Ongoing, no action yet, nothing from Ruediger. [AP-41.6 RIPE-NCC] Put up a mailing list for the above purpose and advertise to the db-wg list. Ongoing, no action yet [AP-41.9 RIPE-NCC] To document the mirroring protocol and the operational requirements of using it. Ongoing. Some work done. [AP-41.10 RIPE-NCC] Provide nag message to maintainer owners using MAIL-FROM Complete. [AP-41.12 RIPE-NCC] Look at general password authentication methods Ongoing. No action yet. [AP-42.1 ALL] To check own data and correct inconsistencies if possible. Closed [AP-42.2 RIPE-NCC] To send instructions on multiple credentials to the DB working group mailing list. Complete. Instructions are now on the RIPE web site. [AP-42.3 RIPE-NCC] To investigate the issues involved in shadow passwords and multiple level authentication schemes. [AP-42.3 Larry Blunk] To investigate the problems of multiple hashed passwords and the possibilities of embedding an ID within the hash and to submit a proposal to the working group. A proposal came from Janos to embed such information in the remarks field. C. DB update (RIPE NCC, Andrei R.) . operations report Statistics Slightly more objects (1.6M) 80,000 users on average 18q/s average, peaking to 65q/s 2 updates per second average Still some growth in unreferenced personal objects. Need garbage collection process. 70% of queries are for contact information Updates pretty average apart from spike in mntner object caused by removal of mail-from authentication Back-end problems solved. Performance issues with long queries is still to be resolved. Otherwise scaling well User support 6 support staff shared with other software projects Introduced anti-spam filter for mail to ripe-dbm (mail routed to folder) since 20th May 2002 Added ripe-dbm ticket system (shared with hostmaster) MAIL-FROM phasing out process. 1500 maintainers missed the deadline. High fax load on DB staff. Robot now in place. Developments New MD5-PW authentication scheme. 41% of maintainers are using it. New status values for intetnum6 are not now generated. DB consistency and statistics project is now generated useful data RRCC full prototype is now up and running IRRToolset. New version 4.7.3 released. Mostly bug-fixes. The database user manual "Getting Started" has been published. (Dummies guide to the RIPE Database). Real Database user's manual is being progresses IRT Document has been published (functionality and procedures) Plans Further improving of server software (Error reporting, performance, and configuration management). Support auth checks across multiple registries IPv6 and multicast support Automatic database cleanup (if object is not referenced then delete after a certain time (following nag messages to user)). There are other possibilities [AP43.1 RIPE NCC] Look at other possibilities for database cleanup. Additional user support (Documentation, Sync and Web interface) Main Events Improvements in security (MD5 and MAIL-FROM) Documentation and User support Web and syncupdate interfaces. D Web interface and Syncupdates for DB (RIPE NCC, Can Bican) Currently updates are via email Hard to automate Difficult for beginner Syncupdates allows online updates to database, web interface built on top of this TCP based Extensible, maintainable, same functionality, easy to use. Minimal client (HTTP) can be used Notifications are sent by email as usual WebUpdates is a prototype of an update client which allows adding, deleting and updating of an object. Only password authentication. Passwords are stored via cookies. No PGP authentication Multi-line attributes not properly handled Only one object may be updated in a submission All suggestions and feature requests are welcomed. http://webupdates-test.ripe.net http://syncupdates-test.ripe.net Probably one month before coming into production (syncupdates) Webupdates can be earlier, but please send comments to the db tools email address. E. Database Consistency Project Statistics (RIPE NCC, Shane) This refers to data that can be seen as incorrect merely by looking at the database itself (eg not routing inconsistencies) Changes in rules Abandoned data User error Examples Non handle admin-c Syntactic errors Missing or incorrect status attributes Unreferenced person objects Unreferenced maintainer objects CSIRT for no networks Unreferenced PGP key Also non-authoritative Data Prehistoric inetnum (non-RIPE) Objects in unprotected space Possibly unauthorized route objects Abandoned objects Unresponsive maintainers (both LIR and non-LIR) Outdated contacts Solutions Reports RRCC reports Database consistency reports Really only helpful for actively maintained objects Restrict Input Many of these checks already but will soon include integrity checks and RPSS checks Does not address current problems Revocation Allow higher level maintainer to delete objects lower in the hierarchy. (Currently can only be done by ripe-dbm). Unresponsive maintainers? Use another maintainer, or delete maintainer? Cleanups RIPE NCC implementation of WG decision Has been done in the past successfully. Discussion Normally starts on the mailing list, generating proposals which are then voted on at the RIPE meeting. Opinions Why spend a lot of resources to clean it up? It will never be completely clean? Only 5% garbage. Difference between structural problems and operational problems. Garbage can prevent the generation of accurate reverse delegation zone files, and address allocation reports. Even 5% garbage can render these useless. Registration of contact information can be really useful, even if not related to operational data. Should we be removing this data if it is useful? However, privacy issues now pertain to this data. We should also be wary of using the DB as a general key-server. F. "Early Registration Transfer" (ERX) Project (Andrei, RIPE NCC) . Introduction ASN and IP registration inherited by ARIN from Internic Pre-RIR Non-geographical . Goals and Phases Transfer of DB records and conflict resolution Transfer of associated documentation Phase 1 ASN registrations Phase 2 IPv4 registration . AS number migration ARIN only (419 ASNs) just created and protected in the RIPE DB Completed 21st August ARIN & RIPE (conflicting data, no RP) (87 ASNs) merge and lock. Resolve conflict and then unlock Completed 21st August ARIN & RIPE (with RP specifications) (177 ASNs) manual 2 week conflict resolution prior to transfer Completed 21st August 30% of notification emails bounced. Lessons Don't use August..... Often no evidence. Makes resolution very difficult in cases of dispute. Do not lock objects. They may be in use. Some people only wake up at the deadline . IP V4 migration 47 /8s to be transferred Conflicts are likely to be more complex. Transfer of DNS reverse delegations. Group 1 (ARIN only) Create and protect in the RIPE DB Group 2 (Exact match between ARIN and RIPE, except for contact and description) Resolve conflicts and then merge (do not lock) Group 3 (RIPE does not match ARIN) If NCC allocation then keep in RIPE Otherwise delete (after response time) . Discussion Thanks for the RIPE NCC from ARIN for their cooperation Human matching of records cannot necessarily be done by machine. Records that obviously match on visual inspection may not be easily matchable automatically. Two weeks (especially in August) is not enough time to resolve conflicts [AP43.3 RIPE NCC] Provide detailed action plan to the WG before implementing Phase 2. Trying to obtain authorization from contacts in the ARIN database is likely to be difficult, as in many cases the authoritative data is the RIPE database. Hence it may be necessary to extend the time for resolution of conflicts. What happens to IPv4 objects that are in an undefined state after the process? They will remain locked until the holder emerges. At which point the appropriate procedures will be invoked. Is there any chance of getting information about what IP objects will be transferred, prior to the actual transfer process? [AP43.4 RIPE NCC] To produce a list of requirements for such a list. Is there a possibility of automatically aggregating eg /24s in the ARIN database to the appropriate aggregated object in the RIPE DB? Probably not, as there don't seem to be many such objects. This will probably be a manual process. A suggestion that more resource be allocated to the IPv4 migration than was allocated to the ASN migration. [AP43.5 WW] Set up a task force to go through some test cases before hand. It should report on the mailing lists (DB and LIR) within 4 weeks. (Wilfried Woeber, Nigel Titley, Joao Luis Damas at least) Are there any requirements from the outside for target dates? No fixed date, but should get it done as quickly as possible. G. IRRToolSet Development Brainstorming (+ external refs?) . how to find out who is using what? A few people are... one at least is using a home-brew set of tools It was noted that those who are using the toolset are using it together with other tools. This may have to be taken into account. Some things are missing eg Support for zebra [AP-43.6 ALL] Those who have requirements to send to IRRToolSet@ripe.net What tools do people find useful? [AP-43.9 RIPE NCC] To try and track down some of the outdated references to the IRRToolset out on the web and get them corrected. . External reference Who needs it? Need at a minimum things like AS-sets which are referred to in the RFC. Need a list of things for which it makes sense and those for which it would be insane (Ruediger Volk) The status of external reference in the RPSS RFC is "out of document scope", although a possible mechanism is described. There is a clear need for this, and the C&W registry is using this syntax. It is also needed in order forms etc (and is already included in some forms from some providers). The RPSS working group needs waking up to properly resolve this issue. Should the DB be prepared to accept this syntax? No real performance issues (Andrei) and not a real problem. The RPSL-dist informal proposal suggests a new "registry" object. [AP-43.7 Ruediger Volk] To produce a short report on what would be useful and how to start. [AP-43.8 RIPE NCC] To investigate how much effort would be required to add this functionality to the RIPE DB. Y. Input from other WGs . None Z. AOB: . Organi[sz]ation object proposal Examples would be a local registry which could be well described in such an object. . IRT object There are only 4 such objects. However no one has had problems creating
participants (1)
Nigel Titley