Re: [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country

Hi, I'm new to DB-WG, but want to express my opinion in this regard, from problem definition: "Historically the country code was used to refer to the location of the network" There are plenty of organization out there that are already set their network and firewalls rules to use country code value in delegation file as reference to the location of the network. Changing the rule to to something new, will cause problem for clients and providers, so I don't think it is a good idea, country code in delegation file can be synced with the country code for resource object in RIPE DB. A new attribute in organization object refers to where the resource holder is legally based is totally fine, but having the same value in delegation file can break networks and services. Regards, Arash Naderpour Parsun Network Solutions
participants (1)
Arash Naderpour