Unprocessed update mails to RIPE Whois Database

Dear Colleagues, [apologies for duplicate messages] Between Thu Jun 14 16:19:15 2001 CEST and Fri Jun 15 10:34:29 2001 CEST, due to a failure in our systems which processes updates to RIPE Whois Database, the update message have not been processed, instead they were only stored. Most of the users who sent those messages noticed that they didn't get any acknowledgement from our system, and re-sent their updates. Realizing the failure on Friday Jun 22, we tried to find out those messages which were _not_ re-sent by the user, and we processed them. Thus, please don't be confused if you've got a late acknowledgement message. If you have any questions about the incident, please contact <ripe-dbm@ripe.net>. We are sorry about the inconvenience this caused. Best Regards, Engin Gunduz RIPE NCC Database Group
participants (1)
RIPE Database Administration