draft agenda routing/joint routing&db wg RIPE 39

Dear colleagues, please find enclosed the first draft of the agenda for the session of the routing working rgoup at RIPE 39, Bologna. The session will be held Wednesday, 2-May, 14:00 Routing WG session Due to the importance of the subject and because it is affecting both working groups we are having again a joint session of the routing and database groups on the same day in the 2nd afternoon slot. Wednesday, 2-May, 16:00 Joint routing/db WG session I would also like to direct your attention to two interesting tutorials: For more information on these two tutorials, please refer to the RIPE meeting web pages. Monday, 30-Apr, 9:00 Full day tutorial on MPLS by Clarence Filsfils (Cisco) Tuesday, 1-May, 9:00 Half day tutorial on the RAToolSet by Cengiz Allaettinoglu (Packetdesign) As usual comments, additions, changes to the agenda of the Routing WG welcome! ---- R I P E 3 9 B O L O G N A Routing Working Group Session A. Preliminaries (Joachim Schmitz) (5min) - introduction - participants' list - volunteering of scribe - agenda bashing - RIPE 37 minutes - actions from earlier meetings B. Cengiz Allaettinoglu: Observations on ISIS Convergence (30min) C. Philip Smith: Update on RIPE-210 (Route Flap Damping) (20min) - update - discussion D. Henk Uijterwaal: Update from the RIS Project (15min) Joint Session with the Database WG E. Andrei Robachevsky: Migration to the new RIPE database (20min) F. Cengiz Allaettinoglu: Application of the RAToolSet (open end) Y. Input from other WGs Z. AOB ---- Thanks Joachim --- JS395-RIPE -- standard disclaimer ---
participants (1)