Greetings, This matter may already have been discussed here in the Ripe Database groupe, but I am a new arrival. Ripe´s Database for searching IPaddresses goes fine, but if you (like a LIR) wants to find out if the customer (that requests for address space) already have a range of addresses it´s very difficult to find out. My wish is that you can search for "company name". You can sometimes get a hit on "company name", but it is not often. What we do now is that we save down the database and there we can search for more details, like ompany name, administrative contact and so on. Have you some suggestion about what you can do about this? Kind Regards Helen Dagerus ---------------------------------------------------------- Tele2/SWIPnet NetCom Systems Tel: +46 8 5626 4000 Box 62 Fax: +46 8 5626 4210 S-164 94 Kista Email: dagerus@swip.net Sweden http://www.tele2.se/ ----------------------------------------------------------

On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Helen Dagerus wrote:
Ripe´s Database for searching IPaddresses goes fine, but if you (like a LIR) wants to find out if the customer (that requests for address space) already have a range of addresses it´s very difficult to find out. My wish is that you can search for "company name". You can sometimes get a hit on "company name", but it is not often.
A reverse lookup would seem ideal for this, and I believe many would benefit from it (well - *I* would) :-) A substring search would be nicest. Other opinions? -- Robert Martin-Legène (RM59), Network Manager (AS2109) main(){int a[2],b[2];pipe(a);pipe(b);if(fork()){dup2(a[0],0);dup2(b[1],1) ;}else{dup2(b[0],0);dup2(a[1],1);write(1,"R",1);}execlp("cat","cat",0);}

Robert Martin-Legene <robert@DK.net> writes: * On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Helen Dagerus wrote: * * > Ripe=B4s Database for searching IPaddresses goes fine, but if you (like= * a * > LIR) wants to find out if the customer (that requests for address space= * ) * > already have a range of addresses it=B4s very difficult to find out. My * > wish is that you can search for "company name". You can sometimes get a * > hit on "company name", but it is not often. * * A reverse lookup would seem ideal for this, and I believe many would * benefit from it (well - *I* would) :-) * * A substring search would be nicest. * * Other opinions? * The wais interface at wais.ripe.net allows for full text search. Mirjam * -- Robert Martin-Leg=E8ne (RM59), Network Manager (AS2109) * * main(){int a[2],b[2];pipe(a);pipe(b);if(fork()){dup2(a[0],0);dup2(b[1]= * ,1) * ;}else{dup2(b[0],0);dup2(a[1],1);write(1,"R",1);}execlp("cat","cat",0)= * ;} * *

Robert Martin-Legene <robert@DK.net> writes: * On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Helen Dagerus wrote: * * > Ripe=B4s Database for searching IPaddresses goes fine, but if you (like= * a * > LIR) wants to find out if the customer (that requests for address space= * ) * > already have a range of addresses it=B4s very difficult to find out. My * > wish is that you can search for "company name". You can sometimes get a * > hit on "company name", but it is not often. * * A reverse lookup would seem ideal for this, and I believe many would * benefit from it (well - *I* would) :-) * * A substring search would be nicest. * * Other opinions? *
The wais interface at wais.ripe.net allows for full text search.
Thank you, this is great. And I am sorry for not looking more thorough at your homepage, but it is nice to have this mailinglist to ask... //Helen
* -- Robert Martin-Leg=E8ne (RM59), Network Manager (AS2109) * * main(){int a[2],b[2];pipe(a);pipe(b);if(fork()){dup2(a[0],0);dup2(b[1]= * ,1) * ;}else{dup2(b[0],0);dup2(a[1],1);write(1,"R",1);}execlp("cat","cat",0)= * ;} * *
Med Vänlig Hälsning Helen Dagerus ---------------------------------------------------------- Tele2/SWIPnet Tel: 08 5626 4000 NetCom Systems AB Fax: 08 5626 4210 Box 62 Email: dagerus@swip.net 164 94 Kista Email: helen.dagerus@tele2.se Sweden http://www.tele2.se/ ----------------------------------------------------------
participants (3)
Helen Dagerus
Mirjam Kuehne
Robert Martin-Legene