This was sent to me; in order to be able to see patterns I think it is useful to post this to the list. many thanks to Arnold for the report; we do our best. Again: will people who have problems with too large database index files please step forward? Please give us a chance to break our database too (the test-version, that is) Geert Jan ------- Forwarded Message From: Arnold Nipper <nipper@xlink.net> We are using perl.c,v $$Revision: Currently I try to index with perl, version 5.000. We are using: adderror.pl (1.1) addkey.pl (0.16) cldb.pl (1.10) cleandb.pl (0.44) cleanhandledb.pl (1.1) dbadd.pl (0.23) dbclose.pl (0.14) dblock.pl (0.13) dbmatch.pl (1.2) dbopen.pl (0.15) dbupdate.pl (0.34) defaults.pl (0.13) defines.pl (0.18) donetdbm.pl (1.5) encmp.pl (0.13) endiffs.pl (0.12) enkeys.pl (0.18) enparse.pl (1.8) enread.pl (0.17) entype.pl (0.13) enukey.pl (0.13) enwrite.pl (0.23) handle.pl (0.13) maintainer.pl (1.6) misc.pl (0.45) net2net.pl (0.14) netdbm.pl (0.15) newdb.pl (0.13) notify.pl (1.8) rconf.pl (0.34) rfc822.pl (0.18) showdbm.pl (0.12) sortdb.pl (0.17) syntax.pl (0.55) syslog.pl (0.14) template.pl (1.4) Warning: time.pl is not a RCS file updatecheck.pl (1.20) whoisd.pl (0.52) Machine is a Sparc10 clone running SunOS Release 4.1.4 with more or less standard kernel (only modified udp_checksum and MTU) Regards, Arnold P.S.: I know that DE-NIC has the same problem with indexing the DB.
participants (1)
Geert Jan de Groot