FYI....just in case you all aren't on these other lists. --Elise
Susan R. Harris writes: From owner-cidrd@aarnet.edu.au Tue Nov 28 17:01:20 1995 Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 16:47:35 -0500 (EST) From: "Susan R. Harris" <srh@merit.edu> To: cidrd@iepg.org, bgp@ans.net Subject: New tools from the RA project Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951128164516.1874K-100000@home.merit.edu> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Greetings - Just a quick note to let you know about some new tools available from the Routing Arbiter project. Comments and bug reports welcome; please send 'em to ra-team@ra.net.
A new RADB tool tells you which RADB routes in an AS are duplicated or covered by less specific routes in the IRR:
A new tool to generate Internet routing table reports for each NAP tells you (1) the maximum number of announced routes in the Route Server's routing tables, (2) the complete Internet routing table, listed by prefix and associated AS path, as seen by the NAP's Route Servers, or (3) the number of routes seen by each Route Server, listed by RS peer and origin AS.
The reports in (2) from the Washington, D.C. NAP (MAE-East) have shown some interesting numbers, like 32-bit host announcements and prefixes reserved by RFC 1597 (private internet address allocation).
You can now generate NAP route flap reports by RS peer as well as by AS origin, prefix, and specific AS:
http://www.ra.net/~ra/statistics/.routes.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Susan R. Harris, Ph.D. Merit Network, Inc. srh@merit.edu Phone: (313) 936-2100 Fax: (313) 747-3185 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Elise Gerich