Re: NCC#2001014534 WHOIS-Database .at-Domains (fwd) de.aball (fwd) X-NCC-RegID: de.aball (fwd)

Dear Andreas Jennen!
Subject: Re: NCC#2001014534 WHOIS-Database .at-Domains (fwd) de.aball (fwd) X-NCC-RegID: de.aball (fwd)
please answer my questions idown in my text !
I'll try ;-)
Will i have soon 20 hdl ?
Maybe... (unless the community succeeds to get the mess sorted out again. Any help - including yours - would be appreciated ;-)
Is that, what you wanted ?
Definitely: NO. For a few more comments, see below, marked "****" Regards, Wilfried (DB-WG chair) PS: and by the way, shouting at innocent people like NCC staff is not necessarily the best approach to get problems resolved in the Internet... ______________________________________________________________________
----- Forwarded message from RIPE NCC Hostmaster -----
Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: NCC#2001014534 WHOIS-Database .at-Domains (fwd) de.aball (fwd) X-NCC-RegID: de.aball In-reply-to: Your message of Fri, 05 Jan 2001 22:46:46 +0100. <> <References: <> From: RIPE NCC Hostmaster <> X-Organization: RIPE Network Coordination Centre X-Phone: +31 20 535 4444 X-Fax: +31 20 535 4445 Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 15:26:11 +0100 Sender:
Hi Andreas,
This change was agreed by the Database Working Group. If you have a problem with this decision please raise it on the <> mailing list or at the working group meeting during this month's meeting.
**** This problem was already on the DB-WG Meeting during RIPE37, September 2000. It might again get put onto the DB-WG Meeting agenda **** for RIPE38, January 2000.
Sorry to have upset you - have a good weekend.
------------------- Geoff Charters Ripe NCC Hostmaster -------------------
In the previous mail Andreas Jennen <>, wrote: * * from Andreas Jennen * * x-NCC-RegID: de.aball * * Dear hostmaster, * * what a hell why is this ? See below * * Is this correct, what *.at need ? * * One handle for every European contry, where i am admin of an domain ? * * Before i was in Europe and also USA: * * AJ4-RIPE * * now i need 20 or 30 handles ? * * Why is RIPE so stupid ?
**** A few clariciations should be helpful here. There is . RIPE the "community", the users, some working groups run by volunteers, some eMail lists, some meetings - and there is the . RIPE NCC a service organisation with a well-defined mandate, an activity plan, and customers like the LIRs. While RIPE (the community) is discussing Internet issues in general, coming up with recommendations and consensus, this RIPE is not the "Internet Police". Nor is the RPE community authoritative for everything that is happening in CyperSpace. While RIPE (the community) is regularly interacting with the RIPE NCC (receiving support from and providing guidance to the RIPE NCC), the RIPE *NCC* is an autonmous organisation, which by consensus of the community (and not the least supported by the financial backing of it's members and customers!) is *responsible* and *authoritative* for . *IP-Adress distribution*, . ReverseDNS delegation for the relvant parts of the inverse tree, . and a couple of other things which is outlined as community service in the activita plan. The RIPE NCC (and RIPE, btw.) is NOT authoritative for any ccTLD administration issues! Indeed, for coordination issues regarding ccTLDs (mostly in Europe), another organistion was formed and has taken responsibilty (CENTR, see their info pages at nd CENTR is workling **** within the framework of ICANN/IANA.
* * Whatfor we pay 2100 Euro every jear ? *
**** I guess for the services as extended by the RIPE NCC according to **** your customer and membership agreement???
* Please also give the national domain organisation like e.g. * Denic * * the order to take our full Ripe handles as nic-hdl.
**** Neither the RIPE NCC, nor any of the RIPE Working Groups would have any authority to do so. The Organisations you are pointing fingers at can accept input and guidance, and usually they do, but they also have to operate according to their existing administrative, legal and financial framework, and responsibility to their constituencies. It would certainly be helpful if you could summarize your concerns **** and forward them to the relvant channels (e.g. CENTR)!
* * e.g. * whois -h AJ4-RIPE * * RIPE says: * * % Rights restricted by copyright. See * es/db/copyright.html * * person: Andreas Jennen * address: aball Internet Netzdienste GmbH * address: Roscherstr. 10 * address: D-30161 Hannover * address: Germany * phone: +49 511 270 737-0 * fax-no: +49 511 69 90 91 * e-mail: * nic-hdl: AJ4-RIPE * notify: * mnt-by: ABALL-NCC-MNT * changed: 19941214 * changed: 19950103 * changed: 19990623 * changed: 20000621 * source: RIPE * * whois -h AJ4-RIPE * the denic says: * * % Copyright (c)2000 by DENIC * % * % Restricted rights. * % * % * % Except for agreed Internet operational purposes, no part of this * % information may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or * % transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, * % recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the DENIC * % on behalf of itself and/or the copyright holders. Any use of this * % material to target advertising or similar activities are explicitly * % forbidden and will be prosecuted. The DENIC requests to be notified * % of any such activities or suspicions thereof. * * person: Andreas Jennen * address: aball Internet Netzdienste GmbH * address: Roscherstr. 10 * address: 30161 Hannover * address: DE * e-mail: * nic-hdl: AJ4-RIPE * changed: 20000621 * source: DENIC * * that is not the same, we do not see> notify. mtn-by, history * * That is nonsence ! * * * Are you not able to let work an domain whois server for Europe ?
**** I am perfectly convinced that the RIPE NCC would be capable of engineering and operating such a service. Although, for the moment at least, the prerequisites (like community consensus, financial support, and obvious solutions to the massive **** scaling issues) are not in place.
* No, then i will say on the next meeting, that the RIPE organisation * should change to an new and better and cheaper organisation !
**** Well, you might be able to provide RIPE (the community) with guidance on how to become a new and better organisation, but I doubt that it is going to be cheaper - because participation in RIPE (the community) **** is for free :-) **** Assuming that you intend to provide input to the RIPE NCCs activity plan and funding model, then you should use the established channels (talking to the RIPE NCC's management, membership mailing list, NCC **** General Assembly,...)
* If you don not want to answer this request, please give it to your * General Manager ! * * * Gruss Andreas Jennen. * -- / \__ Festverbindungen auch 34 MBit/s und 155 MBit/s erhaeltlich * ( *\___ <- Nando,Andreas Jennen, Roscherstr. 12, 30161 Hannover, DE * / O EMAIL Voice: (+49 511)270 737-0, Fax:699091 * / (_____/ Pos(Grad, Minuten): N 52 18.559';E 009 35.714' Hoehe: 112 m * /_____/ U Privat: * * * ----- Forwarded message from ----- * * From Fri Jan 5 20:51:41 2001 * From: * Message-ID: <> * To: * Subject: WHOIS-Database .at-Domains * Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 20:48:24 +0100 * X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) * X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id UAA * 20098 * * Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! * * Sie erhalten folgende Information von, da Sie als Kontaktperson * (tech-c oder zone-c) einer .at-Domain eingetragen sind. * * This is an information from to all contacts (tech-c and zone-c) of * .at-domains. To view the english version please click here: * Please note your nicat-handle below. * * Aus administrativen Gruenden kann die Organisation Ripe ( ihre * Datenbank nicht mehr zur Speicherung von Domain-Daten ("Whois"-Abfragen) zur * Verf|gung stellen. * wird daher die relevanten Daten aus der Ripe-Datenbank absiedeln und * lokal verwalten. Die Funktionalitaet und Wartung von Domains ist damit in * keinster Weise beeintraechtigt. Die Domain-Daten sind weiterhin (auch |ber * oeffentlich abrufbar und sicher verwaltet - es wird lediglich * bei Abfragen direkt auf die zugegriffen. * * Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Umstellung werden alle bestehenden Ripe-Handles * bei .at-Domains automatisch durch NICAT-Handles ersetzt. Nach einer * Uebergangsphase wird bei Neuregistrierungen und Aenderungen nur noch * NICAT-Handles akzeptieren. Beruecksichtigen Sie das bitte, falls Sie * Ripe-Handles in Ihrer internen Software zur Verwaltung von .at-Domains * verwenden. * Sollten Sie Ihr Ripe-Handle f|r andere Ripe-Services benutzen, bleibt er * nat|rlich bestehen und ist bei Ripe weiterhin g|ltig. * * ********************************************************** * Ihr 'alter' Ripe-Handle/your old ripe-handle: AJ4-RIPE * Ihr neuer NICAT-Handle/your new nicat-handle: AJ552432-NICAT * ********************************************************** * * Folgender Zeitplan ist f|r die Umstellung vorgesehen: * ab 12.1.2001 kvnnen NICAT-Handles verwendet werden - es sind Ripe-Handles * UND NICAT-Handles gueltig. Alle domain objects, die davor angelegt oder * geaendert wurden, werden im alten Format ausgegeben. Alle neuen domain * objects, erzeugt durch Neuantrag oder Aenderung werden im neuen Format * ausgegeben. Eine Aenderung bewirkt, dass das Object in der Ripe Datenbank * geloescht wird und das in Object in der zum Tragen kommt. * ab 29.1. gelten bei nur mehr NICAT-Handles, die .at-Domain Objects * werden in der Ripe-Datenbank geloescht. Bitte verwenden Sie ab 29.1. keine * RIPE-Handles mehr! Bis zum Ende der Loeschaktion kann es zwei Ausgabeformate * (alt oder neu) geben. * * Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Aenderungen in den Domain und Person * Objects finden Sie auf unserer Homepage unter * (, FAQ's zum Thema Whois unter * * * Bei weiteren Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte das Team unter 0800 800 * 888 844 bzw. per E-Mail unter * Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. * * Ihr Team * * Internet Verwaltungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. * Jakob-Haringer-Stra_e 8 * A-5020 Salzburg * * Infos zu Domainregistrierung * * E-Mail: * Tel.: +43 (662) 4669-844 * Fax: +43 (662) 4669-29 * In Oesterreich gebuehrenfrei: * Tel.: 0800 800 888-844 * Fax: 0800 800 888-29 * * ----- End of forwarded message from ----- * * ----- End of forwarded message from Andreas Jennen -----
----- End of forwarded message from RIPE NCC Hostmaster -----
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet