Greetings Having a "mnt-by" in an object prevents anyone not in the maintainer group from changing the data for that object (i.e. an inetnum). Having a "mnt-lower" in an object prevents anyone not in the maintainer group from changing the data below that object. So, I believe, without the "mnt-lower" in an inetnum, it is possible for anyone to add additional inetnum objects into the RIPE database, below your inetnum record, and for them to put another maintainer into the addition. You could then end up with false records within your assignment that you would be unable to remove. kevin
-----Original Message----- From: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven [SMTP:jruigrok@via-net-works.nl] Sent: 03 September 2000 12:23 To: Abdullah Saad Al-Ashry Cc: lir-wg@ripe.net; db-wg@ripe.net Subject: Re: asused question
-On [20000902 10:05], Abdullah Saad Al-Ashry (abdullah@awalnet.net.sa) wrote:
When I use the utility "asused" ftp://ftp.ripe.net/tools/asused-3.5.tar.gz It gives me this warning: **************** Please check the following WARNINGS: 212.xx.xxx.0 - 212.xx.xxx.255 has mnt-lower xxxx attached ****************
You probably have:
mnt-by: MNT-BLAH mnt-lower: MNT-BLAH
which is ambiguous if memory serves me right.
Just remove the mnt-lower.
This is just a guess, since you are paranoia and removed the specifices of your assignment [for which I really cannot find any justification actually, the paranoia that is].
kind regards,
-- Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven Network- and systemadministrator <jruigrok@via-net-works.nl> VIA Net.Works The Netherlands BSD: Technical excellence at its best http://www.via-net-works.nl Come and take a good look deep into these thuggish ruggish eyes. See the thugstas cry. And I'm askin' the good Lord "Why?" and sigh, He told me we lived to die...
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