Removal nameserver an rev-srv tags

Dear all, Blasco has informed us about the proposals and the decision taken during the last Ripe meeting. While we found all greats, we disagree about a particular proposal made at the dns working group. To be concise, we believe obsoleting the rev-srv and nameserver flags from the inetnum and domain objects to not be a meaningful action. Concerning the assumption of dns-wg about the useless of those tags and the absence of procedures based on them we would like to inform you that we are presently testing some automatic tools based exactly on those tags which we use before actually registering a new direct or inverse domain. Starting from the contained information, each server is queried on properly resolving the query. Daniele & Giuliana Daniele Vannozzi Phone: +39 50 593280 GARR-NIS Phone NIS: +39 50 593360 c/o CNUCE - Istituto del CNR Fax: +39 50 904052 Via Santa Maria 36 Telex: 500371 - CNUCE 56100 Pisa - Italy E-mail:

----- Text sent by Daniele Vannozzi follows ------- Blasco has informed us about the proposals and the decision taken during the last Ripe meeting. While we found all greats, we disagree about a particular proposal made at the dns working group. To be concise, we believe obsoleting the rev-srv and nameserver flags from the inetnum and domain objects to not be a meaningful action. Concerning the assumption of dns-wg about the useless of those tags and the absence of procedures based on them we would like to inform you that we are presently testing some automatic tools based exactly on those tags which we use before actually registering a new direct or inverse domain. Starting from the contained information, each server is queried on properly resolving the query.
Daniele & Giuliana
I also beleive these entries should be kept, at least the rev-srv one. -- Jean-Michel
participants (2)
Daniele Vannozzi