Re: FW: FW: FW: FW: [db-wg] Proposal to deprecate CRYPT-PW authorisation in the RIPE Database

At 03:49 PM 05-10-06 +0400, Potapov Vladislav wrote:
I don't think that the matter even worst speaking about, because still nobody has answered that there has been any problem with existing schemes even for no-maintainer objects (it's one more way to ignore your attempts to strengten maintainer object). So "the worst thing we can do" is only words. The information in the DB is not accurate, representative or hard tied to operational issues, so the world will be there if it disappears completely (maybe slightly annoying for some players, not more).
I think a number of people have pointed out why they wish to deprecate crypt-pw. To answer your latest points - data in the DB should be accurate and it does show who is allowed or not allowed to use a range of IPs, and if the data does 'disappear' as you say, it will have operational impact on a number of ISPs that build their access lists from the data in the RIPE-DB. It would appear that you might be enjoying the ability to abuse certain RIPE objects with weak security and by deprecating crypt-pw we will be impacting your playground. -Hank
Potapov Vladislav Ru.iiat
participants (1)
Hank Nussbacher