Re: RIPE: last call for comments RPSL transition

Dear Christian, you wrote:
well I'd say go for it.
Thank you for your support.
But let me kindly ask for the following thingies:
since the RIPE-NCC is now in charge of the maintenance of the RAtoolset please make sure that there's a release available (specifically RTconfig) which is fully compatible with the RIPE RPSL server by mid of March 2001 latest.
I believe that this request is more than legitimate, and that the NCC is hearing you very well - after all it is in all our interest to have this running.
It appears that this might be available already (since Feb20 ?), however, the link to
"RtConfig Patch for the RAToolSet" of the "RPSL Migration" homepage is broken.
This is currently worked on, as I hear.
In addition, any clear links to concise How2do documents on RAToolSet and RtConfig would be appreciated.
On the one hand, I think the best source for that still is On the other hand, we will have a tutorial on the RAToolSet during RIPE39. This has been confirmed by now, and I believe that additional documentation will become available around it. Thanks Joachim --- JS395-RIPE -- standard disclaimer ---
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