Re: draft minutes of DB-WG meeting at RIPE 25

=> The various checks, when they get implemented eventually, should at least => generate warnings, both at the time of an update and on a regular basis. = =One note on this one: = =The new software doesn't create a new object anymore when adding a NIC =handle to an existing object. It will only do this when there are other =differences between the new and old object then the 'changed:' and the =added NIC handle attribute. Thanks for the note. => Daniel proposed to add that functionality toi the software itself, probably => by adding a whois -T with -v and possibly whois -T to report all objects. => This is is already available for listing the schema for an individual object. = =Wasn't this proposal on the wish list for a long, long time (and even =accepted by the database working group as a good thing) ?!? = =davidk> List of current proposals: =davidk> =davidk> 5) whois -tv Yes it was. I'll re-word that to properly reflect history. From the technical point of view, it doesn't hurt to propose it again for implementation :-) => Action (11) on RIPE NCC (Ambrose Magee), => To change the DB-SW to obsolete the advisory: attribute in inetnum: objects. = ^^^^^^^^ = =No further comments ... ;-) That's the fate of lazy people (like me) who do a cut-n-paste from the local *broken* copy. Yours, standing at the corner of the room, and facing the walls, Wilfried.
participants (1)
Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet